Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Little Bit of Family Baseball

After we got back from the reunion, we celebrated my nephew, Carson's, birthday. We headed to one of our nearby parks and had a hot dog roast. I am sure Jodi will be putting up some photos of that soon. Afterwards, we went and played a little bit of baseball.

Rigdon and his cousin, Brooklyn, playing in the dirt.

Play Ball!
Aubrey's up to bat.

Rigdon loved playing around with the bats.

From left: my sister: Jodi, sister-in-law:Lisa, my other sister: Penni, and my niece: Nicole.

Carson pitching to his mom.

Connor and his cousin, Nicole, going for the same ball and running into each other.

From left: Connor, Nicole, and my brother, Cory.

Jed smacking it out there.

Uncle Cory giving Aubrey a few batting tips.

Ronin's up for bat...with his tongue sticking out, meaning he's really concentrating now.

Hitting the ball and going for first base.

Connor showing his excitment and cheering for his team.

Jed and Connor giving each other a high five - their team had just scored some runs.

Connor running to first base.

My mom and Rigdon.
I've noticed that Rigdon is always grabbing his ears and used to wonder if he had an earache or something. But one day Jed mentioned how he seems to use his ears like a security blanket. When I thought of that, it's true. He likes to hold his ears all of the time, especially if he's nervous, around new people, or bored.

We had a great time playing baseball. It was so much fun!

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