Saturday, March 20, 2010

Twilight Freak

Ok, ok, I have something to confess - I have become a Twilight freak. For any of you who have been hiding in a cave over the last couple of years, Twilight is a books series about a love story between an ordinary girl and a vampire. Now I know that I might get teased by revealing my fetish out in the open like this, but I couldn't contain my excitement with the release of the second movie, New Moon. Today is the first day you can get it, so I just had to go buy it. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!
While I was buying my copy, there was also a lady who looked like she was in her sixties and another older lady buying New Moon too. See, I'm not way off base with this - it's not just teenage girls who enjoy it, it's women in all age groups, and guys too, I might add.

How my Twilight fetish began:
At first I had no interest in ever reading the Twilight series and never saw the two movies when they first came out. It wasn't until this last New Years Eve that I became exposed to the world of vampires and werewolves. A few days prior, I was visiting a friend that I visit teach and somehow the subject came up. She was telling me how good the Twilight series was and that she had all of the books and the movie. I had heard this before from some of my other friends, and I hadn't been convinced before. My friend then said that I could borrow the movie and the first book if I wanted to. So I thought, what the heck, why not? It would give me and Jed something to do for New Years Eve.

So when Jed found out what we were doing, he said, "You've got to be kidding, I just got done making fun of one of my friends because he had watched that movie with his wife. It's a total chick flick about vampires!" You see, Jed had also heard a lot about Twilight and considered it a girly romance book with way too much hype.

In the end he was willing to watch it - but soon into the movie he ended up just reading a magazine. It was just too sappy for him, but I liked the movie. I thought it was fun and entertaining but I hadn't made the transition into "freakhood" quite yet.

A couple of days later, Jed left for a 3 week training and so I figured with all of the extra alone time that I would have I might as well read the Twilight book too. I started reading the book and couldn't put it down. I finished the book in just two days and was thirsting for more. I hadn't taken the time to read anything just for fun in years and now I was completely hooked on Twilight. Within a weeks' time I had read the whole series of books - I would read all day in my room and late into the night.

So then I went and bought the movie and watched it over and over again. Now that I had read the book, the movie was much more fun to watch because I knew the complete story behind it.
Jed is getting a total kick out of watching me with all of my enthusiasm for Twilight. I guess it's because he's never seen me get really excited about anything in this kind of way. I've surprised myself, too. Anything in pop culture typically doesn't interest me to such an extent. I guess I'm a sucker for love stories, and adding vampires and werewolves just made it that much more interesting.
Aubrey also can't believe I'm into Twilight. She had started reading the first book long before I was ever aware of Twilight because many of the girls in her school were talking about it. She stopped reading the book because of the fact that it was a love story and it turned her off completely. (I told her one day she'll change her mind about love stories...she doesn't believe me.) She refuses to watch the movie and gives me a harder time about it all than Jed does.

Go Team Jacob!!!
What's funny is that even though Jed rolls his eyes over it all, he's the one who bought me a Jacob shirt, the movie soundtrack Cd's (for my birthday), and went and saw Twilight: New Moon with me (even though he kept snickering throughout portions of it.) I probably never would have gone out and bought any of this stuff myself, but Jed says he is "supporting" me. When he first gave me the shirt I asked him if he was mocking me. Although I may never wear it out in public, it's fun to have just the same.
I can't wait for the third Twilight movie, Eclipse!!!!! June 30, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

He Makes Us Laugh

Ronin had his Parent-Teacher Conference this week. It was fun talking to his teacher, Mrs. Dupree, about him. She says he's always making everyone laugh (no surprise here that he's turned out to be the class clown, he does enough funny stuff at home to already know that.) For example, Mrs. Dupree says that sometimes when someone walks by him, he'll bark like a dog. I guess he did this in the lunch line once to an unsuspecting adult walking by. He got sent to the back of the line and never did it again. (Sometimes I wonder where he comes up with this stuff.) She was quick to point out that he's never disrespectful or disruptive but just a fun boy to have around.

One of Ronin's Papers from Parent -Teacher Conference.

Which makes me think of the things that he does at home that makes me smile. For instance, lately during his prayers he'll say, "Please bless that we can do what mom and dad say the first time so we don't go to jail." I don't know where he gets that, I think he was making a joke one time when I was getting after the kids to do what I ask the first time so I wouldn't have to yell. He asked me if he would go to jail if he didn't.

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday, Ronin asked me if it was "fossil" Sunday. I looked at him, confused by his question. Then it dawned on me that he was talking about it being fast Sunday.

However, he also says some very sincere prayers that make me and Jed peek at each other and smile while he is still praying. For example, lately Ronin would pray about a particular friend of his that wasn't treating him nicely, calling him names, and just being mean to him. In his prayers he would ask for his friend to "stop following Satan and be on Jesus' team."

Ahh, the cuteness of a 6 year old.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Travis Update - March 13th, 9 AM

Just got a call from my mom about Travis. Last night the doctors ended up performing eye surgery on the badly damaged left eye where the retina was gone. Apparently, the surgery went well and the doctors are encouraged by it. However, the doctors also point out that it is a wait and see before they know how well his eye will end up. I am surprised by this news because as of yesterday it sounded like the eye was beyond hope. I am sure many details and prognosis' will change as time goes on. Because of the surgery last night, the 12 hour surgery will happen tomorrow, Sunday, instead of today.

The doctors have also reduced Travis' medicine just enough so that he can be aware and conscious of what is going on around him. They are doing this so that he can answer their questions by nodding (he's unable to speak right now.) Because he is aware, the rest of his body is strapped to the bed to keep him from moving and grabbing his face or sitting up like he was trying to do yesterday before he was life-flighted to Utah.

For those who are interested, the family is participating in a fast this weekend. You are welcome to take part in it. Either beginning today or tomorrow - your choice. One of the main points of the fast is for his eyesight and success with the upcoming surgeries.

My mom also wanted me to mention that another one of my cousins, Jeremy, is struggling right now as well. I don't know if I should go into details about that and frankly I don't know what the whole situation is. I know he's been transferred to a medical facility in Boise. Anyway, he is being included in the fast as well. If you have any questions, I am sure calling any of the aunts or his mom would enlighten you to the situation.

My cousin, Sadie, has also written about what is going on with a few extra details that I have not included. There is a link on our blog so you can visit her site if you would like under the title "The Bowcutts."

Friday, March 12, 2010

Update on Travis' Condition

*Update on Travis: 8:00 PM 3/12/2010
My mom just called to give me an update. Travis is now at the University of Utah. He will undergo a 12 hour surgery tomorrow. The retina in his left eye is totally gone - so he will definately be blind in that eye. The doctors are worried about his other eye now, so he could end up being completely blind. The doctors will also be pulling his teeth out and wiring his jaw shut. One of their biggest concerns is his nose and palette - if they don't get that taken care of he'll end up with a hole (I am sure there is more to this but I don't understand it all at this point and it hasn't been explained to me - I assume part of it is because the palette of his mouth is completely broken which is in the same area as the nose.) He is breathing through a tube placed into his neck.

We also found out more about the accident. Travis was hit by a drunk driver. The accident was not Travis' fault. The driver fled the scene but later turned himself in.

My Cousin, Travis, In Bad Accident

*Update* 11:41 AM
Just got back from the hospital. Travis is now on his way to Utah on a plane, his dad is flying with him. I found out a few other details - his palette is broken, 2 arteries were severed, and he will lose his left eye. Renae will be taking off soon to Utah as well. The extended family is talking about doing a fast on Sunday. It looks as though he will pull through this and get better but there are multiple surgeries ahead for him.

*Update* 9:52 AM
Just talked to my mom, Travis will be life-flighted to Salt Lake in a few hours because the injuries to his face are so complicated that the doctors decided to stop doing the surgery and send him there. He is in ICU and sedated right now. All of Travis' bones in his face are fractured. They are worried about being able to save one of his eyes. My mom and Renae (and the rest of the family) are having a hard time with this. My mom said she went into the hospital room and just lost it.

I just found out that my cousin, Travis, got in a terrible car accident last night. He was life-flighted to a local hospital. From what I understand, he is in bad shape. Jed talked to Dave, his step-dad, just a few minutes ago. Apparently there is no brain damage, but his face has been badly busted up . I am sure there is more going on but that is all I know. I've tried to contact my mom but she didn't answer her cell phone. I am sure all of our prayers would be appreciated.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Love My Job

Jed went to work at 6 AM this morning but came home briefly to kiss the kids goodbye before they left for school. He told me how he had just gotten done doing CPR on an old man that had just suffered a heart attack. He said that he could feel the bones breaking as he did the compressions (bones breaking almost always happens when CPR is done correctly.) He also said that it was a lot easier to do CPR on a real human being than on a manikin. Jed has watched CPR being done on real people before but has never been the one to actually do it until today. He then said with a smile, "I love my job - where else do you get to do this kind of stuff and carry a gun at the same time?" Yes, indeed....where else?
Jed's morning was definitely a lot more interesting than my morning of getting kids up and ready for school.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Signs of Spring?

Within a week's time all of our snow has melted and it's finally starting to feel like spring. Yay!!!!! I am so excited to finally feel 40 degree weather - it feels so warm compared to the winter temperatures that we've had. It's funny how much just this one thing has lifted my spirits. I've kicked the kids out of the house to play because they are all a bundle of energy. I even checked the day lilies that I planted in the fall last year and I can now see the faintest signs of some budding. I love spring!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ronin's 1st Loose Tooth

Last Friday, March 5, Ronin had his very first tooth pulled. He was so excited about having his first loose tooth. Although the tooth was ready to come out a couple days before, I couldn't get it with the pliers. It kept slipping off. Since Jed was out of town for a training trip we had to wait for him to get home so that he could do the honors. Ronin was very brave and didn't cry at all - although it looked like for a moment he wanted to. Check out the video.

We forgot to remind Ronin to put the tooth under his pillow that night, so he made sure to remind us the next day about the tooth fairy coming to pick up his tooth. The tooth fairy left him $1.50 in quarters. He was pretty excited!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ballroom Competition

This last weekend Aubrey competed in her first ballroom competition held at a large, local high school. She and her partner, Damian, danced the Foxtrot, Cha-Cha, Swing, and International Waltz. I was surprised at the large amount of competitors that came - I later found out that ballroom teams from three states had come to compete.  For Aubrey's events, there were probably around 50-75 other couples competing in the same dances.

Aubrey and Damian taking the floor for one of their dances.

Waiting for the music to begin.

Off they go!
Making their way around the gym floor.
Performing the waltz.

Waiting in the very large line (extending all the way from one end of the gym to the other) for their turn for the next round. Aubrey and Damian made it to the quarter finals in the walz and cha-cha but didn't make the top 6 award spots in any of their dances.

Aubrey and Damian dancing the Foxtrot.
All in all it was a good experience for Aubrey and Damian. It is Damian's first year in ballroom, but some of the dances were also new for Aubrey. I think after watching the other competitors, Aubrey realized that more work and practice would be needed in order to do better in future competitions. To be fair, they did well considering the minimal amount of practice time in class since they only had four classes to get ready for it. But Aubrey wants to do better the next time she competes.
Good job, Aubrey! We are proud of you.