Sunday, February 27, 2011

State Ballroom Competition

Yesterday Aubrey and her friend, Keneisha, competed at the State Ballroom Competition, which is one of the largest events of its kind for our area.  Competitors from surrounding states also come to participate. 

Like most other competitions, it means having to wait around awhile before your turn actually comes up.

In the meantime, it gives the adults a chance to make sure all of the final touches are taken care of - sequins, hair pieces, makeup, bobby pins, tucking stray ends, and...

These two didn't seem to be nervous one bit.

Aubrey and her partner, Isaiah. 

Isaiah's also had to learn to put up with me and my camera.  You're a good sport, Isaiah, thanks for all the smiles!    :)


Keneisha and her partner, Mickey.

It's time!  On deck and waiting in line with about 35-40 other couples for the exact same dances.  Aubrey and Isaiah competed in the Tango, Swing, Mambo, and Rumba categories. 

Competition Results: Aubrey and Isaiah made it through to the quarter-finals on every one of their dances and also made it to a semi-final or two (can't quite remember - she danced a lot so it was hard to keep track.)  Aubrey showed a great deal of improvement since last year and had a great time competing.

A Few After Shots:

It's not very often I get a chance to take pictures of Aubrey where she is all dolled up like this, so I had to seize the opportunity when I had the chance.

Aubrey and her Grandma.

(Grandpa was there too, he just happened to be out getting the car started, it was freezing outside!)


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Iraq Demonstrations

It certainly didn't take long for the protests in Egypt to expand to its nearby neighbors.  The people of Iraq have begun their own series of demonstrations.

Which means the U.S. military bases in Iraq are currently on alert.  Jed's base is located more on the outskirts of the city, so it was rather quiet for him.  Though I'm not so sure about his brother, Joe, who is on a different base in the middle of Baghdad.  Joe just happens to be stationed right smack in the middle of all of this. 

I guess we'll see how this all plays out.  There's already been clashes between the demonstrators and police.  Reported deaths are beginning to accumulate.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Moving Up

Ronin had a Belt Test in karate last week.  He was excited about this particular test because passing it meant he would be able to move up to the next class. 

"Clearing" his mind on the way to class:

Focused and ready.

Ronin always does a great job taking it seriously and doing his best.

Connor being supportive from the sideline.

Announcing the test results.

Ronin's name was called.  :)

Yay!  Ronin passed his test.

Way to go, Ronin!

His buddy, Andrew, passed too.

Yesterday Ronin got to attend his new class for the first time.
There was one particular reason as to why Ronin was so excited to be in this class, and that reason would have something to do with this

SPARRING!     (aka: contact fighting)
In this class, Ronin gets to start learning how to fight.  How is that not exciting to any seven year old boy?  From a teaching standpoint, sparring gives the students a chance to start putting all the skills they've learned into practice.

He looked so cute with all of his gear on. 

I was excited for him; I knew how much he'd been looking forward to this class.

Mouth guard face.  :)

Class begins.

The first exercise was to hold still while your partner practiced hitting with light contact (pulling the punches instead of letting them sink in.)  Just standing there and getting hit made Ronin smile from ear to ear.

Ronin's turn, watch out! 

At first Ronin didn't quite get the "light contact" concept and was putting in some strong punches to his partner.  His instructor came over and and walked Ronin through it until he completely understood how he was to fight.  He caught on quickly.  

It's no surprise this this would be Ronin's most favorite part of class.

Changing up sparring partners.  The girls can certainly hold their own in this class.  This girl drilled Ronin in the head.

But Ronin quickly caught on how to move and duck out of the way so his partner couldn't hit him so much.  He was able to get some punches in as well.  I must say, he did pretty well for his first time sparring.   

The last sparring match was everybody against everybody.  The kids loved it.

The last half of class focused on stances, kicks, and blocks.

I think it's safe to say Ronin feels right at home in his new class.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Church Funnies

Why is it some things are just so much funnier when they are said or done in church?  We've recently had a few moments where I just couldn't help but laugh.

For instance, we were singing the last hymn during our church sacrament meeting and Rigdon, my two-year old, decided to sing along.  Since he obviously didn't know the words, he decided to sing his own.  Would you like to guess what those words were?  How about "I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL!"  Yep, those were the words Rigdon decided to just belt out to the world as loud as he could.  Over, and over, and over again.  I have to admit, we were all laughing at that one.

Church classes had just finished and we were walking down the hallway getting ready to head home when Ronin, my 7-year old, asked me to spell "imp."  Without thinking much of it I said I-M-P.  Ronin broke out in a wide smile and began laughing.  Which made me think back to what I had just said.  "I Am Pee."  :P  I humorously rolled my eyes...I'm not surprised with this coming from Ronin.  But then he came up with an even better one.  "Mom," Ronin says, "how do you spell Icup?"  Instead of saying this one out loud, I spelled it in my mind and laughed.  "I See You Pee"  Such boy humor!  Ronin and Connor were laughing so hard.

So this got me thinking about some of the things that I used to do as a kid during church that would get my siblings or my parents laughing.  This one stands out the most, a sketch I did when I was about 9 years old:  (click to enlarge.)
First of all, I was a horse crazy girl so everything I drew had a horse in it.  Secondly, sitting in a one hour congregational meeting could, at times, feel like it dragged on forever as a kid.  I would often doodle to help the time pass by quicker.  This drawing is what I would often see as I would look around the congregation - just in the form of horses.  See those kids fighting?  That would often be my siblings and I.  I remember my mom would then give us "the look" and we would stop instantly.  We knew exactly when mom meant business.   It's kind of funny how I have also somehow inherited that exact same talent since becoming a mother myself.  :)

I guess my parents thought it was at least amusing because they kept this drawing safe for me all those years while I was growing up.

Later that Sunday, after dinner, I accidentally let a burp slip out of my mouth (dinner was good.)  Ronin was just a few feet away and heard it.  He had a look of amazement in his face and then giggled and said, "You just let a burp!  I've never heard you burp before, isn't it AMAZING?"  It was the way he said it, like he was just savoring the thought as if he were eating his favorite bowl of ice cream.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ballroom Dance Night

Tonight Aubrey attended a dance held at the ballroom studio for a large group of home schooled kids.  The group had been taking classes throughout their school year and this was a chance to show what they've learned.  Even though Aubrey attends public school, she had been invited to join in anyway by her partner, Isaiah, and his family.

Which is great because it gives these two more time to practice before the competition next week.

The ages at this dance ranged from 6 to18 years old - with the first hour mainly for the younger ones.

The boys were taught how to escort their lady partners on and off the dance floor (I love seeing that kind of stuff.)  I believe every guy needs to learn how to be a gentleman.  On the flip side, every girl needs to learn how to be a lady too.

Does it get any cuter than this?:
My most favorite song of the night is the second song our my blog music list - Dark Waltz.  It's absolutely beautiful to listen to, especially when you are watching a couple dance so eloquently to it - which for tonight it was Isaiahs' parents.  They danced so beautifully together to this song, it made me get a little emotional just watching them. They were completely together in their steps and in their expression of the waltz.  It made me wish Jed was here with me tonight so that I could dance with him in the same kind of way.  To be in his arms and waltz around the floor like that- to feel and be as one with him.  It makes me miss him.  So sappy, I know, but I can't help it.  

Aubrey's friend, Keneshia, had been invited as well so naturally they hung out together.

The TANGO!!!
The Tango is one of the harder positions for girls to hold.  Her head must be held (uncomfortably) to the side and back throughout the whole dance and the knees kept bent very low.

I love this one:


I love watching Aubrey learn and grow - she's truly turning into a beautiful dancer. 

Keep it up, Aubs!  Keep it up!