Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Sometimes there are actions that not even a mom is proud to own up to.  Regretfully, I did something a few years ago that I have always felt bad about but secretly kept quiet.

You see, Ronin had a beloved raccoon puppet that he would sleep with every night as a little boy.  He loved that little raccoon.  But after a couple of years being exposed to a little boy through sicknesses, throwing up, wetting the bed when being potty-trained, this little raccoon was looking ragged and I when I washed him in the clothes washer, he came out looking like a mangled, dead rat and I couldn't get him to look any better.  I figured it was time to get rid of him.  Surely Ronin wouldn't notice his absence since he had a ton of other stuffed animals to keep him company.

So I threw him away when Ronin wasn't around to see me do it.

Yeah, I know.  I'm guilty as charged.   

I was wrong about Ronin not noticing.  In fact, he would search every day for his little raccoon.  Looking behind his bed, in his toy boxes, asking the rest of us if we had seen him.  I would just say, "I'm not sure where he is, honey."  (Technically, I really didn't know EXACTLY where he was - somewhere in a landfill I'm sure.) I figured after a week or two he would forget all about it.

Boy, was I wrong about that too.

In fact, as the last few years have gone by, he would often talk about it, telling me how sad he was that he couldn't find his raccoon.  He would still look for him, I would even find him searching out in the garage.  He would still ask us if we had seen him.  I finally realized just how attached he really was to that little fuzzball and that he wasn't going to get over it.  EVER! 

So I began to search for a replacement.  Searching different stores and the internet with no results.  I couldn't find this raccoon anywhere!  I was beginning to feel a little sick about the whole thing; I was losing hope.  I gave up looking.

Finally, it was when Jed and I celebrated our anniversary just a few weeks ago that we found some animal puppets in a little bookstore.  It prompted me to I finally tell Jed my little secret - even he didn't know what I had done.  Together we hoped that maybe this same company that had manufactured the other animal puppets had also made the raccoon too.  So I later checked online and lo and behold, there he was!  After all these years of looking, I finally found the exact little baby raccoon puppet!  Yay!

I immediately ordered one and it arrived 3 days later.  I admit I was feeling pretty excited.  I could finally make things right. 

The first chance I got, I called for Ronin to come to me.  I pulled out that raccoon from behind my back.  I'm pretty sure Ronin's face went into shock.  It was the last thing he expected.   I explained that this was a new one but that it was just exactly like the one he used to have.   With a big grin from ear to ear, he grabbed that little raccoon and hugged him.

All is well again.

He's hardly put Raccoon (that's his name) down since.  Raccoon goes just about everywhere Ronin goes.  And once again, he is snuggled with night after night.

It feels good to make things right.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Last Few Days at Home

Two weeks can go so fast.  We thoroughly enjoyed every minute that we got to spend with Jed.  His first week at home was a bit of an adjustment.  His mind was on his soldiers and to be honest, it was uncomfortable for him to be home.  He had suddenly been taken out of an environment he had been living in for the past 9 months and the change was a drastic one for him.  However, the last week Jed was the complete opposite - he wasn't ready to go back to Iraq.  He was ready to just be home.

Among all the activities with the kids, there were just the normal, everyday moments too.

We barbequed.

I forgot just how great Jed's cooking is.

A very happy Aubrey who is completely content to hang out with her Dad.

We had some fun playing basketball and baseball.

To top it all off, the evening before Jed had to leave, Aubrey decided she wanted to go ahead and get her ears pierced.

Jed was glad to be there for moral support.

She's starting to get a little nervous now. 

It's taken her a long time to get up the courage to have something stuck through her ears.  Mind you, this is the same girl that had to have three people hold her down while she got her immunization shots.  She is dreadfully fearfull of any type of needles or shots.

So this was a REALLY big deal for her.

Ready, set...


Now for the other ear.

All is well in the world when your Dad is by your side.  :)

That night, it was time for the kids to once again say goodbye to their dad since they would not be coming to the airport.  Connor immediately started to cry and buried his head into Jed's chest.  I guess this part will never get any easier.

Next morning - the journey begins back to Iraq.
We quickly stopped by his mother's place to say goodbye. 

And then off to the airport.

Winnie the Pooh decided to stay home, so Osa, the Pillow Pet, is coming along for the ride this time.

After a few days of traveling and some very long plane rides, he's now back in Iraq.

The enemy took no time in welcoming Jed back....his base got rocketed with mortars as soon as he took his first step into his trailer.  The rocketing was close enough that it gave Jed a real good shaking.  Home sweet home.

And now we're back to skyping again.  Thanks goodness for that.  It really makes a difference in being able to stay close as a family.

There is good news though.  We only have a few more months to go before he gets to stay home for good!  :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Father's Day Fun

Fathers Day was a fun one.  Our families gathered at my parent's house that evening for some dessert.
Rigdon with his cousin, Sterling, and his grandpa.

My sister, Jodi, and her husband, Ben, have been visiting from Texas.  It's been so nice to have them here with us for a time.
Ben's stealing some of Jodi's pie.

Meanwhile, there was an epic battle going on outside.

With serious casualties to be expected - such as death by light sabers. 

All the kids had been begging to play Einie-I-Over for a few days, so we all headed over to my grandparent's place since they have the best house for a game like this.

Dividing into two teams.

Watching for the ball to come over the roof or to have the other team come running from the side of the house to start tagging people.


My niece, Kaylee.

Aubs trying to catch the ball as it comes down off the roof.

The kids love this game.

My nephew, Briggs.

 MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PICTURE OF THE DAY!  These girls make me laugh.

My brother, Cory, is looking a little too cocky here.

Someone needs to humble him just a little bit.

TAGGED!  Way to go, Carson!

Dang!  Almost Connor.

Beautiful Lisa.

And the sweetest picture goes to:

We had treats afterwards and then headed back to my parent's house.

These girls are growing up!
Aubs, Kristine, Kaylee.

Ethan did a head somersault right off the trampoline here:

Happy Father's Day to all the men in my life!
My dad, Carl, and his dad, Glenn.