Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aubrey and Connor's Ballroom Performance

It's show time! Aubrey and Connor just had their first ballroom performance in the Vietnese Waltz. It was a fun night watching different teams from all over. Aubrey and Connor did a great job.

Below is a video clip of the performance. I apologize ahead of time for the poor taping - I thought the cover was opened and then realized it was really closed. Also, my handling and zooming are still a work in progress....but I'm not as good as my dad yet...but don't you worry. Ha, Ha.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rigdon's first visit with Santa

At the ward Christmas party this year, Rigdon got to meet Santa for the first time. Needless to say he didn't jump for joy but he didn't cry either. Rather, his reaction was one of concern and confusion. All he could really do is just stare at this big, white fluffy blob with two eyes looking at him. The pictures say it all.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Christmas was fun and simple. Most of our photos are still on the camcorder so here are only just a few photos. Ronin got a Commander Cody costume (a Star Wars character.)

Rigdon, of course was all over the Christmas tree. He licked the paint off of one of the christmas balls and liked grabbing the lights.

Talent Show

Aubrey and Connor's school held a talent show at Barnes 'N Noble to raise money. Aubrey and Connor both played musical pieces on the piano and then sang with a few kids. It was good for them to perform in public and they did a really good job. Grandma Hansen was also there playing a duet with Connor.

More photos of Rigdon

Rigdon can now pull himself up and walk with assistance (back and forth on the couch and coffee table is where he spends most of his time.) He is now 8 months old.

Halloween 2008

Halloween was fun. We went to the "Pumpkin Walk" with Grandma and Grandpa Hansen.

Our ward also held their own Halloween Party - including hay rides.

Clean vs Dirty

Who knew a dirtly boy could clean up so well?

My New Roommate

Aubrey has been begging for us to get a cat so that she wouldn't be so lonely in her room at night. Well, we came up with something better. How about a baby brother? Rigdon moved into Aubrey's room a couple of months ago. Needless to say, I think he is filling up that void for Aubrey quite well. At bedtime, Rigdon will stand up in his crib and laugh at Aubrey, taunting her. Once Aubrey says something back to him, he spits his pacifier at her and laughs hysterically. (How is it that teasing is so inherent in boys? I swear they come out of the womb that way) Anyhow, this nightly ritual has become a game for Rigdon, constantly launching his "bink" at Aubrey until she comes out and asks us if she can go lay in our room until the baby goes to sleep.