Monday, May 28, 2012

Don't Forget!

Please remember what this day is really all about. It's a time to honor those who unselfishly gave their lives to protect us.  They deserve our utmost honor and respect.

Oh!  And don't forget to watch tonight on the National Geographic's TV channel:
Witness: GI Homecoming.
We were one of the families chosen to be on this show!  So look for us!  :)

Here's a little more info: 

Previewing Witness: G.I. Homecoming 
Today is Memorial Day which means a lot of hot dogs, potato salad, and some croquet (unless it does get over ninety like the weatherman suggest it will; which begs the question, why is there not a croquet video game yet?). But let’s not forget what the day is truly about: honoring those that have served and are serving our country. So when all the hamburgers have been eaten, plop the family down in front of the television as members of the military surprise their loved ones on Witness: G.I. Homecoming airing at 10:00 PM (ET) on the National Geographic Channel.

Since 9/11, over two million soldiers have been deployed overseas, some not to return. But many more have come home safely and in the past decade we have all seen emotional homecomings be it on local, national news or even on YouTube. Witness takes a look at some of the more memorial surprise homecomings and the stories behind them with home movies, war zone footage shot by the soldiers and original, first-person account of the soldiers and their family. The segments range from a father waking up his kids in the middle of the night to an elaborate like a surprise reunion in center field of Fenway Park. If you tune in, make sure you have a box of Klenex on hand because there will be tears.

Witness: G.I. Homecoming airs Memorial Day at 10:00 on the National Geographic Channel.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Connor's Year End String Concert

Aside from school being out for the summer, May has also been a busy month with more music concerts.  Connor just completed his first year of playing the violin at school.  He has a real knack for being able to pick something up quickly, and the violin was no exception.  We really didn't have to plug our ears from any screeching, irritable noises like I thought we would, Connor sounded good from the very beginning.  

I am super proud of this talented kid!

Aubrey's Year End Band Concert

Aubrey finished up her third year of band class.  She does a wonderful job.  She was even selected to play a flute solo for the choir.  Kudos!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kicking Off Summer Vacation

Today was the last day of school for our kids.  :)  

I think I'm pretty happy about that.  Except for the fact that the next few weeks will be all about my kids learning how to be around each other again.  There's usually a lot of fighting, crying, and tattling during this time - just enough for me to want to put them right back into school again.

But Jed got us off to a good start by suggesting we have a hot dog roast in the backyard.  :)   

Jack was eyeing those hotdogs pretty heavily.

Sometimes the smoke was a bit too much.

We ran out of hotdogs so Jed threw in a can of chili to cook in the fire.

Here Jed is telling Connor a joke they used to play when he was in the Marines - quietly throw a can of chili in the fire and walk away.  Pretty soon the can would get hot enough and explode, splattering anyone who was close enough with a large dose of chili. 
 Connor got a good kick out that one.

Kicking off summer vacation officially begins now!!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birthday For Two

Happy Birthday to Aubrey and Ronin!  Another year has flown by and they are both one year older.

Some things haven't changed too much over the years.

Poor Aubrey. . . I don't think she'll ever catch a break from her younger brothers.

These two have birthdays close enough to each other that they usually end up celebrating them together just about every year.

I don't think they mind at all.

Aubrey got some new cleats for softball (she's playing city league this year.)

Ronin got a few new video games.

Softball pants and running clothes.  Yay!

Ronin got a new stuffed dog. . . surprise.  He's got a ton of them and loves each and every plush animal.

Legos are still a hot item at our house.  Even though all the pieces eventually end up in one big bin and get all mixed up.

Grandma Kriss and Ronin.

Aubrey modeling her new running clothes.

Wow, that black icing on the cupcakes really makes an impact.

Aubrey wearing her softball stuff for the first time to practice.

Gotta love those cleats!