Sunday, January 13, 2013

Basketball in Full Swing

Ronin just started basketball season a few weeks ago. 
He's got an awesome coach who knows her stuff and pushes the boys to be better.
Sizing up his competition.
Connor hanging out with his friend and Rigdon. 

Sideline guidance.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Eve Dance

For New Years Eve, our church held a dance for the youth 14 years old and up.  So while the rest of our family partied (I'm using that term very loosely here) at home, Aubrey went to the dance with her friend, Alexis.
The dance had a great turn out...
of teenagers who were ready to have a good time! 

I only happened to be there for part of the time to take pictures - at the request of the Stake Young Women's President (who happens to be my mother.)   :)

A big thanks to my mom and her counselors as well as the Stake Young Mens Presidency who put the whole event together.

Don't let them fool you though, they know how to move and groove right along with those teenagers.  Oh dear, lol.  :)

And to prove it, here ya go!  :)

Shannon from my church ward was the designated rope-light-giver-outer.  :)

My dad showed up for a short time too.


There was a live band playing for part of the time called Summers Eve.

They sounded really good.

They certainly had the crowd going.

Balloons ready to go for the New Years Eve drop.

There was some line-dancing going on too.

Aubrey with her Grandma.   :)

Aubrey with her group of friends:

Meanwhile, back at home, we watched some movies with the boys.  Rigdon only lasted an hour past his bedtime.  Jed and I stayed awake long enough to give each other a kiss at midnight and then called it a night.   Such old fogies we are.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!  2013 Baby!!!!!