Sunday, July 10, 2011

Scout Campout

A few weeks ago, Connor went on his first overnight campout with his scout group.

From left: Taylor, Connor, Carson, and Zack.

Since my nephew, Carson, happened to be spending a few weeks with us, he ended up getting to go too.

Their camping spot was out in Hell's Half Acre...lava beds created from volcanic activity back in 3250 B.C.   It covers over 150 acres.

This area was given it's name from the first trappers traveling through the area in the early 19th century because of it's terribly rough terrain.  When the pioneers came west into this area, Hell's Half Acre was completely impassible for the wagons and animals, so they had to go around it instead, which added days to their journey. (Little history lesson for you.)

Not much grows out there....except a whole lot of sagebrush.

That night the boys cooked hot dogs over the fire with some chips and hot coco.  Oh, and can't forget the smores. 

They also looked for constellations that night.  One of the leaders had an app on his phone where he could point it to any part of the sky and it would tell you what constellation you were looking at.

They even found the Hercules constellation.  Cool!

They also learned how to find the Big Dipper (easy one) and the North Star.

Staring at the fire....or putting it out?  It could be either just looking at the picture. :) lol, looks kind of funny from this angle.

The next day they went on a hike through the lava rocks.  The scouts had to find ten animal signs.  They spotted a coyote, some birds, a frog, and poop, says Connor.  :)

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