Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hun Bun - Letter From Iraq

I love getting these kinds of letters from Jed.  To be honest, I've been in a slump since he left back to Iraq.  Not to mention a huge grump and party pooper.  Oddly enough, I'm having a hard time shaking it off.  That's a new feeling for me.  As much as I know he'll be home for good in a few months (piece of cake, right?), it somehow doesn't make it any easier right at the moment.  Maybe it's just because I'm done.  Ready for Jed to be home now.  Done being a single mother.  Done doing it all by myself.  I feel utterly worn out emotionally.

But this made me smile, laugh, gush, and melt all at the same time: 

Hi Hun Bun,

Well, I slept for few hours then woke up thinking of you and wishing you were awake so that I could talk to you.  So I am really missing you right now.  I know that I say that a lot but right now it is pretty fierce.  You are my whole world Mindy and I love you more than I can even express in words.  I see so many people struggle with their marriages while they are here and I can honestly say just how grateful and blessed I am to have you in my life.  You ARE my life and I can't imagine not having you as my eternal sweety.

Things I love about Mindy today:
1. your love
2. your face
3. deeby deebies
4. your testimony
5. your desire to do good
6. your faithfulness
7. your smile
8. your pink bathrobe
9. your Twilight obsession
10. your deeby deebies (yeah I know I already said that.  Well..... there are a few deeby deebies)
11. your love for our little ones
12. how hard you work for our family while I am away
13. your pictures (even how much you take them...most of the time)
14. how fun you are.  Super fun!   (I'm glad he hasn't been hanging out with me lately.)
15. your prayers
16. your loyalty

17. your happiness
18. your ......he, he - you don't get to read this one.  :)
19. your love for the Savior
20. your testimony
21. your Church service
22. your love of life
23. your example
24. your support

There are many more on my list but these are the ones that I am sharing today.  I love you soooooooooooooooooo much and am so grateful for you.  I hope that you have a wonderful day and I will call you when I can.  I love you Dolly.


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