Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I know I've said this before but sometimes kids are the ones that lead by example.  For instance, lately I've been a bit of a slacker with doing some of the spiritual teachings in our family that are encouraged by our church organization.  The primary targets that I am talking about are the daily family scripture study and having weekly Family Home Evening

Aubrey suggested that we have Family Home Evening this week and that she had a lesson already prepared.  Dang, how do you say no to that?  So, we had F.H.E.

We had a song and prayer and then Aubrey gave her lesson.  The part I wanted to share with you was what she had the family do at the end of her lesson.  She got an idea from a magazine called the "Memory Bag."  It was a story about a girl who put items in a display bag that reminded her of her deceased grandmother.   She could pull out these items anytime she was thinking of her grandma.

Aubrey changed it around a little bit and told us that we were going to do a Memory Bag of Dad.  We were to each grab three items that reminded us of dad.  We all hopped up and within minutes our items were already to go:

Aubrey asked us to each explain why we picked the items that we did.  Connor brought out a whole slew of items.  He first picked up his Derek Jeter book that Jed had bought for him and he began to tell why it reminded him of his dad.  Well, he didn't even get through the second sentence when his mouth quickly began quivering and suddenly he was sobbing with his head buried in the couch.  He was inconsolable.   After a few tries, I couldn't get him to finish, so Aubrey finished it for him.

Pictured above are Aubrey and Connor's piles

Connor's items:  
*Derek Jeter book - Connor and his dad would often watch the Yankees play on TV together.  Derek Jeter is one of their favorite baseball players, so Jed bought this book for Connor to read. 
*PSP/Games - He and dad would play games together all the time.
*Scriptures - Dad bought this set for him and sometimes at night Jed would climb into Connor's bed and they would read a chapter or two together and then talk about what could be learned from the verses.
*Ranger's Apprentice books - Jed liked reading this series with Connor. 

Aubrey's items:
* A Pencil - Aubrey would often ask Jed to draw some animal or another and so he would.  He would make Aubrey laugh because all of his horses, wolves, dogs, cats, etc. looked exactly like each other.
* For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet - Aubrey chose this because of her dad's love for gospel. The pamphlet reminds her of how he always encourages her to gain and strengthen her own testimony.
* A Book - Jed loves to read as much as Aubrey does, and that's saying something.  Over the years, they've bonded a lot over books that they both enjoy.  They would have many discussions about the plots, story lines, or characters, and what they did or didn't like.  Sometimes they will have competitions reading the same book and see who can get done with it first.  Aubrey usually wins.

For the younger boys, pictured above:

Ronin's items:
* Dart Guns - whether it was dart guns or taking the boys out shooting with the 22 rifle, Jed spent time teaching Ronin how to shoot or just have fun with a dart gun game.
*Elvis' Houndog - Jed brought this back after six weeks of training in Mississippi a few years back.  Jed visited Elvis Presley's mansion and bought this dog for Ronin.  It plays "Nothin' But a Hound Dog," which Ronin likes to listen to at night...over, and over, and over again.
*The Daddy Doll- I think this one is pretty obvious.  Ronin sleeps with this little guy every night.  If it's gone missing, Ronin will look high and low until he finds it.

Rigdon's Items:  We guessed at his.
*Stuffed Tiger/or as Rigdon calls it "ROARS" - Jed bought this for him when he was just born.  He's had it on his bed ever since.
* Books - Jed would sometimes read to Rigdon, who just loved listening and sitting by his daddy.

I'm next, and some of these things you might raise your eyebrows at, but let me explain.
*Lotion - most every night that Jed had a chance to actually be home, he would go get the lotion and massage my feet.  *awe*  I know, sweet huh?
* Kitchen Utensils - Jed can bake up some sweet cookies.  There were also times when he knew I was at my wits end with the kids and everything else, so he would tell me he had dinner covered that night and tell me to go sit down and relax.  (which sounds really nice about now.)
* A Sock - yeah, I know, weird, but his clothes and socks laying around all over are an obvious reminder of Jed (sorry, hon, but it's true.  To be fair, I do the same thing too sometimes.  We both can be slobs.)
* Movies: Pride and Prejudice (anything Jane Austin) and the Twilight movie series.  For someone who is always dissing on chick flicks, Jed will actually watch these movies with me.  If he is trying to get me out of a foul mood, he'll suggest putting one of these in for me. 
*Jacob stuff - I say stuff because there's more than just the blanket.  Jed knows that I like the Jacob character in Twilight, so he would often come home and surprise me with something Jacob related.  I've got a tote bag, a shirt, blanket, the music soundtracks all with Jacob on them.  Jed says he does it because he is "supporting" me.  So I can't help but think of him when I see these items.

Obviously we couldn't fit all of this stuff into the Daddy Memory bag, so we just put a few items in there and put the bag on the piano where everyone can see it.

Clever idea, Aubs, and good job on the lesson too.

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