Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Year End Spring Music Concert

You can always tell when school is getting close to being done when field trips and performances start popping up all at the same time.  May can be a crazy month.

Aubrey had her year end band concert this week.  I always look forward to hearing them and seeing how much they've improved from the year before.  Besides, I really appreciate this kind of music.  I learned to love classical music whiIe I played in concert band throughout my junior high and high school years.  It does my heart good to see my kids getting involved with music too.  I have to thank my mom for it, she made music an important part of my life...and now it's trickled down to my own kids.

A evening in pictures: 
Hmmmm......try again Aubrey.



Aubrey's gained a new group of friends this year, thanks to band class.

Which is really nice, because these girls have been really supportive of her when she's struggled with her dad being gone.  Unfortunately, some of her old friends made fun of her and weren't terribly understanding.  This made it even harder on her so the school year started out a bit rough but has ended on a happy note with sweet girls like these:

Props for one of their music pieces.

I love seeing Aubrey smile.

Sayin' cheese.

Here's to another school year completed!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed being a "band parent". Our oldest was a flute player, too.

    Sad to hear that Aubrey's friends turned out to not be friends at all. Sounds like she found some true friends in her bandmates, however. Troubled times are when you find out who really cares about you.
