Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nature Walk Adventures

Yesterday, Julie and I took our kids to the riverbottom to go for a stroll.   The weather hasn't been great all week so it was time to get all the kids out of the house and use up some of that extra energy.  I gained a few extra kids for this trip - Connor's friend, Zack, and my niece, Drewe.

Unfortunately, the river is in a rare state of flooding (we've had lots of flood warnings this week) and covered up the area we were going to walk.  Julie had just been running here the day before and very little of this area was flooded.  What a difference a day makes.  Now it's completely submerged.

Guess the sandbags and flood wall didn't do a bit of good from a swelling river. We should've brought rafts and canoes! 

So much for our walk - here is where the beginning of the path, was: 

So the kids quickly figured out a different way to occupy themselves.


We found another part of path that hadn't been drenched in water...yet. 

Reports say that the current flood levels are just a snippet of what is to come in the next 6 weeks. 

 With the water levels rising, creatures of all kinds are being pushed further inland.  We saw a bunny and three of these, this one being the smallest:
A baby water snake!  Awe, it was so cute and little.  It should come as no surprise that Ronin wanted to take it home and keep it as a pet.  I talked him out of it.

I am no expert but I do know water snakes are non-poisonous.  At least I hope that's what it was cuz we let all the kids handle this little guy.  

It created quite a stir of excitement for the kids.

Rigdon wasn't quite sure what to think but he was willing to hold the snake for a few seconds.  Until it started slithering.  This surprised him and he instinctively let go of it.

Julie's bunch.

Near the end, our children got arrested.

They don't look very sad about it though.

Ok, ok, I'll give it up.  The patrol officer happened to know Julie's husband and offered to take all our kids for a ride.  Julie and I said, "Go for it!"

And then.....and then there was quiet. :)

The end.  :p


  1. LOVE all the fun pics! Had a great time with you guys! Can't wait for our next 'adventure' :)

  2. Is that the Snake River?

    Looks like you had a good day of it, flooding notwithstanding. I'm a tad jealous of your weather. Winter is letting up on it's grip over here.

    And quite the array of sports teams represented there. And advantage of no hometown team, I suspect.

  3. Julie, yes, can't wait to do more with you guys!

    Buckskin, yep, that is the Snake River. Don't be too jealous of our weather though, we've only had just a few days in the last several weeks where it's been warm enough to do anything. Still, we are definately trying to take advantage of every ounce of warmth we get. :0)

  4. Looks like a fun day out! Love all the pictures. Hey, by any chance is that picture of the bridge and the path down by Blackfoot? If so I think it is where we took our family pictures last year. It's a pretty spot. :)
