Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Day to Relax

Yesterday, my mom arranged a day of horse riding for me, Aubrey and Connor with my aunts Peggy and Renae.  I think she felt we needed to do something fun since the week had been such an emotional and stressful one for all of us.  I was definitely up for a nice horse ride, such a great way to help clear my mind for a little while.

It was decided that our ride would be out in the Bone area on BLM land.  This is protected wilderness where ranchers are allowed to have their cows graze freely on government-owned property. (BLM:Bureau of Land Management)

Aubrey on Lady.
Lady looks super excited to be doing this, doesn't she?  Poor girl, she's like 22 years old, so I suppose she deserves to look any way she wants.

Connor on Bullet.

It was a fun area to ride in, we were able to see the Quakies turning their autumn colors. 

The only kind of "wildlife" we saw- cows.  Lots and lots of cows. 

In fact, there were a bunch of cowboys doing a cattle drive out there while we were riding.   With all of the wilderness scenery, sagebrush, and cowboys/girls rounding up cows, I felt like I had been transported back 100 years ago.  The only thing that let you know that it was being held in 2010 were a couple of guys on four-wheelers helping out too.  Since they were pretty far away I didn't take any pictures.

Renae trying to get her horse, Booger, to hold still so she could take a picture.  Sometimes he fits his name really well.  He is half mustang.

Some of the scenery on our ride- autumn is a great time of year to go riding.

Connor riding his favorite horse, Bullet.  Giving him a hug. 

My Aunt Peggy on her Appaloosa named Maynard.

I was on the biggest horse, Soldier.  Holy crap this horse is tall!  I told Peggy she should have named him "Giraffe."  He was pretty good most of the ride.  There was a moment on our way back when he acted up and I started having my own little rodeo event of bronc riding - a really mild version anyway.  Enough to make me quite nervous, but within a few moments I was able to to get him under control.

This was Connor's first trail ride adventure.  He really enjoyed himself.


After an hour of riding we headed back toward the horse trailers.  Aubrey was feeling sick and was ready to go home and rest.  I think Connor was a little disappointed because he wanted to ride a bit longer, but he didn't complain at all.

A big thanks to my mom, Renae, and Peggy!  It was so thoughtful of you to do this for us, we enjoyed ourselves very much.

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