Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Here Already - School

Why is it summer always flies by way too quickly?  It's only half way through August and already the wheat fields are white and ready to be harvested.

This time of year also means school is back in session.  It was our first day of school today!  Can you believe it?

Aubrey hitched a ride with our neighbor so she left earlier than the boys.  She is our new 8th grader.

I'm not even gonna think about next year....Aubrey will be in high school!  Aaaagh!  :(

Connor and Ronin took off together this morning.

I really like this year's bus ride arrangement.  Ronin gets on and off the bus at Connor's school, which is close enough for both of them to walk to.   This means big brother gets to keep a close eye on his little brother to and from school.  Couldn't be a better situation.

Get going boys!

Waiting for the bus at Connor's school.

This year's school supplies was an expensive one because of what's in that nice, big case Connor happens to be carrying.  He'll be taking a Strings class this year and decided he wanted to learn the violin.  I must say, I am super happy that he is interested in this!  I am actually kind of envious...I hope to one day learn the violin as well.

Connor is our big 6th Grader this year.

Ronin is charging his way into 3rd Grade.  :)

Ronin immediately checking out his new school's playground. 

I seriously love this can you NOT smile around him when he is full of such laughter and joy?

Didn't take long for Ronin to find his buddies....Jed and Easton.

Easton and Ronin are in the same class this year and they are both VERY excited about that.  They made sure to pick desks that were right next to each other.  'Course, I had to warn Ronin if he wants to keep it that way he needs to make sure they don't goof off together too much or they might get separated.  We'll see how long the seating arrangement lasts.

Ronin's new teacher, Mrs. Davis...she looks super nice, doesn't she?

That poor teacher of his....she has no idea what's coming her way. lol

Big smiles coming home.  That's a good sign.

After school snacks.

From what all I heard today, the kids had a great first day.  Connor said his favorites were his Strings class and his math teacher, Mr. Twiggs.  Not surprisingly, one of Connor's teachers asked if anyone ever told him he looks like Harry Potter.  (He gets that quite a lot ever since he got his glasses.) 

I got an ear full from Aubrey - all about her classes, teachers, friends, her locker, lunch food, and on and on.  She said she had fun and is ready to get back tomorrow.  :) 

As a side note, I just received this rose from the hospital today!  Awe, that's so nice. 

I had surgery earlier this week and will be recovering over the next few weeks.  So in one sense, I am very glad school is in so that I can get the rest I need without kids constantly coming at me for something.  A big thanks to my mom for her help with taking the kids for me for a few days, and a SUPER DUPER thank you to Aubrey for being a most excellent nurse.   :)

OOH, Ooooh, I have to mention one MORE thing, the start of the school year also means this big fella is going to be coming home sooon!!!!!   How great is that!! (Love the targets, honey.)

It's going to be a great year!!!!!

PS: Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a ton of "Back to School" papers to sign.   Fun, fun.

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