Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bronze Star Award

This is the Bronze Star.  It is the fourth-highest combat award of the U.S. Armed Forces.

A few days ago, my husband was given this award.  This award is granted to those who demonstrate "heroic or meritorious achievement or service."

Jed and Lieutenant Roberts (who also received a Bronze Star) with some soldiers from his platoon.  They were all receiving their Combat Action Badges here:

I am super proud of him! He has worked hard for his soldiers this past year and has helped protect and lead them out of some sticky and dangerous situations, even if it meant occasionally getting himself into hot water from his superiors and having to unashamedly defend his decisions.   That takes strength of character in my opinion. Course, anyone who knows Jed well enough would not be surprised by this. :)

This is one award that Jed never thought he would be bringing home. 

Congratulations, Jed!!!!   Way to go!   :)