Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stetson and Spur Night

*Update: I added a few more pictures and Jed made a few corrections to this post*

Even though the Calvary Brigade that Jed is a part of looks like this now:

The United States Calvary started out like this:

And their mode of transportation used to be this:

Sometimes it's good to remember where you came from - and sometimes a few traditions from ages past are still celebrated and honored today.  The military is one such orgranization where it's history and traditions are still taught and practiced.

So with this thought in mind, last night Jed got a break from all the craziness of being a soldier and attended the "Stetson and Spur Night."   This was a night for Calvary soldiers to come together who are currently stationed at the Camp Liberty base in Iraq.  In the spirit of honoring the Calvary and it's origins, it's customary to wear a Stetson Calvary hat and spurs to this event. 

Jed and his Platoon Leader - they work together every day:

But, before I go on with more pictures, I figured I would help put you in the mood with this song, which is one of my kids' favorites to listen to:

*Note: The riderless horse and the boot still in the stirrup symbolizes a fallen soldier.

The history and purpose of the knots known as "acorns" tied around the Stetson hats is so that they would bounce up and down while the soldier was riding in order to help keep him awake.  They were like today's rumble strips on the freeway. 

Fellow buddies:

Jed loves wearing his hat.

Next day...back to reality - including security patrols outside the base.

Kids also tend to come up during the patrols and ask for boy spit at Jed's vehicle.  Didn't make Jed very happy, but he smiled anyway and just moved on without anymore attention to the boy.
(Photo by Blanc.)

One of the other soldiers on the patrol: 

I had to put a few of these in from last month...a few of Jed's young soldiers, Smith and Blanc.  Our family sent them a holiday package which they got around New Years.  Jed let them get on skype with him so they could have a chance to thank us themselves. 

They are such good guys and were so much fun to talk to.

Connor drew each one a picture.
They expressed their thanks over and over again.  Soldiers love packages!  I am sure it's nice for them to know people haven't forgotten about them and appreciate what they do.

I think Blanc's favorite item was the Red Vines licorice hands down.  He said he had been craving them so badly.  He credited my "woman's intuition" for knowing what he wanted.  :)

Left: Blanc, Middle: Smith, Right: Jed
I guess if I were to describe Jed's mood over last couple of weeks, I would have to say HOMESICK.  I can sense this not only because he tells me he is homesick, but just in the way he talks and acts, he's pretty sullen right now.  He's missing me and the kids badly.  It doesn't help matters any when he can't be around for holidays and birthdays.  :(

But he is staying very busy and along with starting college classes online, he's also been given a new church calling as a Group Leader on top of it all.  It was only a year ago when the LDS church leaders finally felt like it was the time to organize the church in Iraq.  So now there is a branch president in Iraq who presides over several small congregations called branches.   His assistants, the group leaders, take care of, organize, and run each group.  (Did that all make sense?)  What it all boils down to is that Jed is staying busy with many different kinds of responsibilities. 

Have I mentioned (again) how proud I am of this man I get to call my husband?


  1. You have every right to be proud of him, as we should all be proud of our fighting forces, regardless of where they are. May God watch over all of them and keep them safe.

    I find it refreshing to see the cavalry holding on to a part of their tradition with the wearing of the Stetson's. Navy brass always feign interest in "tradition" right up to the point where sailors like it and it might build morale. Then somehow it is declared to be contradictory to the image the Navy is trying to portray.

  2. That is so cool the church is there in some form!
