Saturday, February 5, 2011

I've Been Awarded!

I've won an award?

A few months ago, I made a new blogger friend who has recently awarded my blog.  How cool is that?  So a hearty thanks to Buckskin from A Tale of Two Buckskins!  I know I have found great pleasure in frequenting your blog and getting to know you better.

Anyhow, in receiving this award, there are rules to abide by, which are:
1.Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3.Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4.Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

So here it goes:

Seven Things About Myself:

1. I am the proud wife of an American soldier who is currently serving in Iraq and temporarily the "single" mother of four kids.  Obviously it's a little crazy at the moment but I consider those to be the two most important roles I will ever have in this life. 

2. I am a bit of a homebody, I would rather be home than anywhere else.  After all, I am the queen of my castle...where else could I rule in such a capacity as this?  :)

3. Growing up, I always wished I lived back about 150 years ago so that I could ride horses every day (as long as I wasn't forced to wear dresses on a daily basis.)  However, now that I'm older, my tune has changed a bit.  I am very glad to live in a world of dishwashers, microwaves, computers, and every other modern day convenience.  I can't see myself churning butter all day or waiting weeks for a letter. 

4.  When I am in my "creative" or "organizing" zone, it's best not to bother me.  I tend to tune out everything going on around me when I am focused on one particular task.  I begin feeling irritated when I am constantly being interrupted, so you've been warned!   

5. I would rather watch others make mistakes and learn from them than to make the same mistakes myself.   I feel like I've saved myself from a lot of heartache that way.

6. I enjoy painting, reading, photography, horseriding, nature, spending time with family and friends, and quiet moments when no one is asking me for anything.

7.  I would rather work than play, or at least be doing something productive with my hands.  Don't get me wrong, I like having fun too, but I really enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.  It's actually harder for me to take time to sit down and play a game or watch TV, especially when it's warm outside.  (Although, I have been known to spend WAY too much time at the computer.)  For instance, I really like mowing and trimming the lawn.  I am sure my neighbors have wondered why that lazy husband of mine doesn't get out and mow the lawn himself.  The truth is, I don't let him. 

15 Recently Discovered Blogs: (In no particular order)
1. Life - 71 Toes
2. The Journey - A young woman who ministers in Uganda (I think) and has adopted 13 native girls.  Each girl has a very interesting, and usually heartbreaking story. Look back through her posts from over the years and you will learn so much and maybe even shed a tear or two. 
3. Tale of Two Buckskins
4. Blue Lily Photo
5. A Day In Our Life
6. NieNie Dialogues
7. Not Your Average Fairytale
8. The Journal
9. Bear's Blog - Yeah, that's right, the Man vs Wild guy - he has a blog!
10. The Mason's Blog
11. The Gagtastics
12. The Grouch at Right Truth
13. Karl and Sadie
14.Caralee Case Photography
15. The Stapley Family
16. - BONUS!  I am adding this extra one from Buckskin's blog list, it's hilarious!

* For those whose blogs I have chosen and you have no idea who I am, I found you through a blog, of a blog, of a know, blog surfing.  Obviously, I liked your blog enough that I now follow you to see what you've been up to.

I am still getting around to the "contacting" part, so bear with me here.  :)

Once again, thanks Buckskin!


  1. You are most welcome! And it was well deserved. When I was at sea, my wife held down the fort, so I have great respect for all military spouses. And a big thanks to your husband for his service to our country.

  2. I happen to be the author of "The Journal". Brooke Christensen gave me your blog address because she saw me on your list. So kind. Thank you. She and I were mission companions in Florida and served together a few times in the field. She's a sweetheart. I'm not sure how you fell upon my blog but am thankful it is something you would come back and read again.

    Please tell your husband my entire family sends our love for his selfless service. And, just as importantly, tell his WIFE that she is amazing for supporting him through it ;)


  3. Buckskin - thanks so much for all of your sweet words. It always gives me an added boost for the day.

    Amy - I am so glad you Brooke told you about the award! I was trying to figure out how to contact you since I couldn't leave a comment on your blog. I love the whole concept of your blog. Anyhow, thanks for your sincere compliments and encouragement...there are certainly days that I need it. It helps so much. Oh, and don't forget the rules of the award - you have some homework to do now. :)
