Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blue and Gold Banquet & Awards

Last night we attended Connor's scout troop's Blue and Gold Banquet. 

To get the event rolling, the colors were posted (state and national flags), recited the pledge of allegiance, and dinner was then served:

It's a tradition that every year for the Blue and Gold Banquet the scouts make and decorate a cake.  The cake's theme this year was "Roll Back The Clock."

Where's our cake you ask?  Umm, WAS on my to-do list but we (ok, I confess...I) just didn't have the energy (aka:motivation) to get around to actually doing it.  This same excuse would also apply to the lack of patches, pins and other awards on Connor's shirt.  Connor has actually earned much more...they're just still stuck in a plastic sack somewhere at home just waiting to find their rightful place.  Besides, Jed was the one who always took care of this stuff and I have no idea where everything is supposed to go.  At least that is the excuse I give myself.

After dinner, the presentations began:

The Scoutmaster talked to the scouts about always doing their best in all things (the scout motto):

Next, the scout awards. 

Connor, along with fellow scout, McCade, both earned their last patch in the cubscout program - the Weblos Award.

AND, they also earned  the Arrow of Light award, which is the highest award available for cubscouts.  In order to get this, it involves more work above and beyond the Weblos requirements.  

Scoutmaster quizzing the boys on the symbolic meanings of the arrow:

Each candle (equaling the 7points on the arrow) represents a character quality for the boys to strive for such as wisdom, courage, self-control, faith, hope, and love.  As each point was being discussed, the boys got to light a candle and set it on the table:

McCade's turn:

*Sigh*  Boys will be boys, even during a ceremony in their honor:

Connor did a good job being "supportive."

Then the parents were called up (I got to be both mom and "dad.")

Congratulations, Connor, on earning your Weblos and Arrow of Light!!!!!!  Yay!!!!!!

A few after pics:

I am pretty darn proud of this boy!

Many thanks to his wonderful scout leaders!  We couldn't have accomplished this without your time and dedication.  Thanks so, so much!!!!


  1. Way to go Connor! That is awesome and it looks like you got your hair cut - way cute! Sorry, I haven't seen ya for awhile. My bad. Maybe we can do lunch soon? :)

  2. Congrats Connor! We are so proud of you!
