Sunday, February 20, 2011

Church Funnies

Why is it some things are just so much funnier when they are said or done in church?  We've recently had a few moments where I just couldn't help but laugh.

For instance, we were singing the last hymn during our church sacrament meeting and Rigdon, my two-year old, decided to sing along.  Since he obviously didn't know the words, he decided to sing his own.  Would you like to guess what those words were?  How about "I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL!"  Yep, those were the words Rigdon decided to just belt out to the world as loud as he could.  Over, and over, and over again.  I have to admit, we were all laughing at that one.

Church classes had just finished and we were walking down the hallway getting ready to head home when Ronin, my 7-year old, asked me to spell "imp."  Without thinking much of it I said I-M-P.  Ronin broke out in a wide smile and began laughing.  Which made me think back to what I had just said.  "I Am Pee."  :P  I humorously rolled my eyes...I'm not surprised with this coming from Ronin.  But then he came up with an even better one.  "Mom," Ronin says, "how do you spell Icup?"  Instead of saying this one out loud, I spelled it in my mind and laughed.  "I See You Pee"  Such boy humor!  Ronin and Connor were laughing so hard.

So this got me thinking about some of the things that I used to do as a kid during church that would get my siblings or my parents laughing.  This one stands out the most, a sketch I did when I was about 9 years old:  (click to enlarge.)
First of all, I was a horse crazy girl so everything I drew had a horse in it.  Secondly, sitting in a one hour congregational meeting could, at times, feel like it dragged on forever as a kid.  I would often doodle to help the time pass by quicker.  This drawing is what I would often see as I would look around the congregation - just in the form of horses.  See those kids fighting?  That would often be my siblings and I.  I remember my mom would then give us "the look" and we would stop instantly.  We knew exactly when mom meant business.   It's kind of funny how I have also somehow inherited that exact same talent since becoming a mother myself.  :)

I guess my parents thought it was at least amusing because they kept this drawing safe for me all those years while I was growing up.

Later that Sunday, after dinner, I accidentally let a burp slip out of my mouth (dinner was good.)  Ronin was just a few feet away and heard it.  He had a look of amazement in his face and then giggled and said, "You just let a burp!  I've never heard you burp before, isn't it AMAZING?"  It was the way he said it, like he was just savoring the thought as if he were eating his favorite bowl of ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. So funny! Cory is sitting here as I looked at the picture you drew when you were 9; he said is classic Mindy! Too cute! I loved it!
