Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Buddy!

We celebrated Connor's 11th birthday this week. 

We are so glad this kid is a part of our family.  This sometimes-shy-but- incredibly-affectionate young man spreads lots of happiness and fun amongst our family.  Not to mention that he does a great job being a big brother and also filling the "Man of the House" position while his dad is gone.   

We had a family celebration this last weekend with lots of grandparents and great-grandparents.  Instead of a cake this year, Connor wanted a Turtle Pie:
For those who are sadly unfamiliar with what a turtle pie is, it's ice cream in an oreo crust, topped with chocolate, caramel, and whipped cream...soooo good!

He also unwrapped his gifts:

Among his many gifts, he received money, Ben 10 DVD's, an alarm clock, clothes (always a kid's favorite thing to get), a paid family day at a baseball batting cage, and one very nice Trek mountain bike.

Connor and his cousins enjoying ice cream.
For Connor's actual birthday, we went to a pizza place that had an arcade area.  The kids all had a great time and it was just as good for me because I didn't have to do one ounce of entertaining.  The play area and arcades took care of that for me.  No pics this time, sorry.    Later that day, Connor got to skype with his dad.  They are both making plans to do some mountain biking together when Jed gets back and they are very excited about that.

Getting To Know Connor:

1. Your hair? Messed Up

2. Your mother and father? Cool

3. Your favorite? Tacos

4. Favorite drink? Milk

5. Your dream/goal? $300 (he wants an IPod)

6. Hobby? Video games

7. Your fear? Spiders

8. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home

9. Something you aren't? Dumb

10. Your mood? Normal

11. Favorite TV show? Ben 10

12. Your life? Fun

13. Missing someone? Dad

14. One place that I visit over and over? Library

15. Collector of anything? Cards

16. Wanted superpower? Speed

17. First thought when I wake up? I'm tired

18. Any bad habits? Picking scabs

19. Bad habit that drives me crazy? Losing my temper

20. List 3 best personality traits: happy, fun, love to read

21. List 3 worst personality traits: grumpy, tired, and sometimes find school to be boring.

22. One thing I wish I could change about myself: laziness

23. If I had three wishes, what would they be? Have my Dad come home, have every Yu-Gi-Oh card, and immortality for me and my family.

24. If I HAD to change my name, I would change it to: Ace

25. My favorite song at the moment? Y.M.C.A (What?????)

26. What trait I dislike in other people: mean people

27. I get in trouble for: Playing my PSP when I am not supposed to

28. Ninjas or pirates, why? Ninjas, cuz ninjas are cool.


  1. I will have to take the blame for the Y.M.C.A. comment. *heehee* We have been sytematically going through the decades, learning about them and then singing a 'dance hit' reflective of the time. This week was the 70's. We sang Y.M.C.A. Yep, nice and loud, with arm motions. I think Connor's class may also have insisted singing it while standing on their chairs. He remained sitting. He doesn't sing, but sits looking respectfully bored during class. I am glad he enjoys some part of it, even if he doesn't let it show!
