Friday, March 12, 2010

Update on Travis' Condition

*Update on Travis: 8:00 PM 3/12/2010
My mom just called to give me an update. Travis is now at the University of Utah. He will undergo a 12 hour surgery tomorrow. The retina in his left eye is totally gone - so he will definately be blind in that eye. The doctors are worried about his other eye now, so he could end up being completely blind. The doctors will also be pulling his teeth out and wiring his jaw shut. One of their biggest concerns is his nose and palette - if they don't get that taken care of he'll end up with a hole (I am sure there is more to this but I don't understand it all at this point and it hasn't been explained to me - I assume part of it is because the palette of his mouth is completely broken which is in the same area as the nose.) He is breathing through a tube placed into his neck.

We also found out more about the accident. Travis was hit by a drunk driver. The accident was not Travis' fault. The driver fled the scene but later turned himself in.


  1. Thanks for the updates. Let us know if you find out anything new.

  2. wow, we'll definitely keep him in our prayers.

  3. Thanks for the updates and the phone # for Reane. I was able to talk to her and she didn't know what she was going to do yet. I have posted this on Facebook to let the other family members know what is going on. Thanks again.

  4. I am so sorry - your cousin and your family are in our prayers.
