Thursday, March 18, 2010

He Makes Us Laugh

Ronin had his Parent-Teacher Conference this week. It was fun talking to his teacher, Mrs. Dupree, about him. She says he's always making everyone laugh (no surprise here that he's turned out to be the class clown, he does enough funny stuff at home to already know that.) For example, Mrs. Dupree says that sometimes when someone walks by him, he'll bark like a dog. I guess he did this in the lunch line once to an unsuspecting adult walking by. He got sent to the back of the line and never did it again. (Sometimes I wonder where he comes up with this stuff.) She was quick to point out that he's never disrespectful or disruptive but just a fun boy to have around.

One of Ronin's Papers from Parent -Teacher Conference.

Which makes me think of the things that he does at home that makes me smile. For instance, lately during his prayers he'll say, "Please bless that we can do what mom and dad say the first time so we don't go to jail." I don't know where he gets that, I think he was making a joke one time when I was getting after the kids to do what I ask the first time so I wouldn't have to yell. He asked me if he would go to jail if he didn't.

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday, Ronin asked me if it was "fossil" Sunday. I looked at him, confused by his question. Then it dawned on me that he was talking about it being fast Sunday.

However, he also says some very sincere prayers that make me and Jed peek at each other and smile while he is still praying. For example, lately Ronin would pray about a particular friend of his that wasn't treating him nicely, calling him names, and just being mean to him. In his prayers he would ask for his friend to "stop following Satan and be on Jesus' team."

Ahh, the cuteness of a 6 year old.


  1. Those are some good stories about Ronin. Does he still do his Batman eyes?

  2. Ahh...he is so cute! I love little kid prayers.

  3. That is soooo cute! I love that!

  4. So cute! Glad your getting all of this down - wouldn't want to forget any of these cute things this boy does. :)
