Saturday, March 13, 2010

Travis Update - March 13th, 9 AM

Just got a call from my mom about Travis. Last night the doctors ended up performing eye surgery on the badly damaged left eye where the retina was gone. Apparently, the surgery went well and the doctors are encouraged by it. However, the doctors also point out that it is a wait and see before they know how well his eye will end up. I am surprised by this news because as of yesterday it sounded like the eye was beyond hope. I am sure many details and prognosis' will change as time goes on. Because of the surgery last night, the 12 hour surgery will happen tomorrow, Sunday, instead of today.

The doctors have also reduced Travis' medicine just enough so that he can be aware and conscious of what is going on around him. They are doing this so that he can answer their questions by nodding (he's unable to speak right now.) Because he is aware, the rest of his body is strapped to the bed to keep him from moving and grabbing his face or sitting up like he was trying to do yesterday before he was life-flighted to Utah.

For those who are interested, the family is participating in a fast this weekend. You are welcome to take part in it. Either beginning today or tomorrow - your choice. One of the main points of the fast is for his eyesight and success with the upcoming surgeries.

My mom also wanted me to mention that another one of my cousins, Jeremy, is struggling right now as well. I don't know if I should go into details about that and frankly I don't know what the whole situation is. I know he's been transferred to a medical facility in Boise. Anyway, he is being included in the fast as well. If you have any questions, I am sure calling any of the aunts or his mom would enlighten you to the situation.

My cousin, Sadie, has also written about what is going on with a few extra details that I have not included. There is a link on our blog so you can visit her site if you would like under the title "The Bowcutts."

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