Friday, June 24, 2011

Father's Day Fun

Fathers Day was a fun one.  Our families gathered at my parent's house that evening for some dessert.
Rigdon with his cousin, Sterling, and his grandpa.

My sister, Jodi, and her husband, Ben, have been visiting from Texas.  It's been so nice to have them here with us for a time.
Ben's stealing some of Jodi's pie.

Meanwhile, there was an epic battle going on outside.

With serious casualties to be expected - such as death by light sabers. 

All the kids had been begging to play Einie-I-Over for a few days, so we all headed over to my grandparent's place since they have the best house for a game like this.

Dividing into two teams.

Watching for the ball to come over the roof or to have the other team come running from the side of the house to start tagging people.


My niece, Kaylee.

Aubs trying to catch the ball as it comes down off the roof.

The kids love this game.

My nephew, Briggs.

 MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PICTURE OF THE DAY!  These girls make me laugh.

My brother, Cory, is looking a little too cocky here.

Someone needs to humble him just a little bit.

TAGGED!  Way to go, Carson!

Dang!  Almost Connor.

Beautiful Lisa.

And the sweetest picture goes to:

We had treats afterwards and then headed back to my parent's house.

These girls are growing up!
Aubs, Kristine, Kaylee.

Ethan did a head somersault right off the trampoline here:

Happy Father's Day to all the men in my life!
My dad, Carl, and his dad, Glenn.

1 comment:

  1. Mindy I just love your family. They are all so great. You looked like you really enjoyed your time with your husband. Has he headed back? When does he get released for good? Hope things are going well with you guys.
