Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Set of Hardware

Well today was a special day for Aubrey. I am sure this will not go down on record as being the best day of her life, but it is a definite change for the better. She got her braces today!

We decided to go with my old orthodontist that both Jed and I got our braces from when we were young teenagers, but without the infamous toupee. (Shucks!) Yep, that's right, our old orthodontist is still working after all these years.

We had to put braces on Aubrey now even though she still has several baby teeth that need to come out. The reason being is that her permanent teeth up in the gums have positioned themselves crookedly, hitting the roots of other permanent teeth instead of coming straight down. Since the teeth can't come down on their own, she'll have to have a surgery to expose them, have chains attached, and then forcibly pulled down into the correct space.

If this is not done, the teeth in the gums will disintegrate the roots of the permanent teeth that have already come down. If this were to happen, several of Aubrey's front teeth (top and bottom) would die and she would end up permanently toothless. Many more surgeries and expensive procedures would have to be done in order to fill her mouth back up with false teeth. Not such a good alternative.

Sounds really cheap, huh? Just the braces alone are $4, 500. That's without the surgery and other necessary tooth extractions. Wow, it just seems to get more expensive the older our kids become. And to think I've got three more kids coming up behind her, aaaahhhh! I think I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.

Aubrey's definitely not in the mood for pictures right now.
Because of the extensive work that needs to be done, Aubrey will have to have her braces on 3-4 years instead of the typical 2 years. Man, that's a long time. But it sounds like she'll have them off hopefully in time for her sweet sixteenth birthday. I can't think about that either right now...Aubrey old enough to date - where did all of the time go? That means she'll be driving too.....Aagg! I've gotta stop now. The next few years of Aubrey's life are suddenly hitting me in the face.

I did end up getting some smiles to show off her new set of "train tracks" - but only with bribing, I mean, promising to buy her some ice cream (which is on her "approved list" of foods she can eat.)

One day she'll be glad she did this, not like she had a choice anyway.

Aubrey, welcome to that awkward stage in life - junior high, zits, a maturing body, and braces to top it all off. Gotta love it!


  1. Good Job Jed and Mindy!! Kids aint cheap. Nichole just got hers off and looks beautiful. The initial sticker shock is unsettleing but well worth it.

  2. Oh poor girl! Bryson is probably going to have them too - found out today that we need to meet with an orthodontist. Ugh... dentist said that his top teeth for sure need braces because his kanine teeth are coming in at a slant - same thing as Aubrey's - will rot out the other permanent teeth. I hear your pain about the price tag. Ouch! But, it will be worth it in the end so I've heard.
