Thursday, August 19, 2010

Daddy-daughter Day

With Jed's upcoming deployment, he has tried to take individual time with each person in the family. For Aubrey, their "daddy-daughter date" came in the form of a motorcycle day trip to Yellowstone National Park. We took Aubrey there when she was about two years old, so I'm sure she doesn't remember a thing and visiting this place felt new to her all over again.

Aubrey's in Yellowstone!

Checking out the geysers.
Cool geysers (I am a pluthera of information, I know.)

Waiting at Old Faithful.

Ther' she blows! Old Faithful.

Although they both came back tired, sunburned, and cold, they had an absolute great time. I asked Aubrey what her favorite part of the trip was and she replied, "being with daddy."

Awe, I hope she always treasures her time with him, no matter how old she gets.

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