Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Extreme Makeover Show Comes to Town

There's been a new kind of excitement happening in our area - a special family was picked to have a brand new home built for them by the Extreme Makeover Team! For real! Today was the reveal. I took my toddler and headed to the new home to see if I could get a glimpse of the action. Wow, talk about packed! There were about 4,000 people there!

The host, Ty Pennington, across the street from me trying to get things done. Girls were screaming for him.

The Makeover team's bus - very big and NICE. The celebrity designer, Paul Dimeo (the older guy with glasses on the show), was on the porch directing people at this moment. I couldn't get a good shot of him though.

My uncle Dave's company was also selected to help out - so my uncle has been working some crazy shifts. But what a neat thing to be a part of. I didn't know this, but all materials, construction, and skilled workers are all donations. These houses are completely built for free by people willing to serve without any payment. When the show says that these houses are made of love from a great community - they really mean it.

This was taken probably yesterday because the yard isn't finished - photo from the Extreme Makeover Facebook site.
Check out this crowd!
Lots of areas for the crew where visitors were not allowed to go in.

The family was supposed to come around 12-2 PM. But it actually didn't end up happening until about 4 PM. We didn't stick around for that long - too many people and a hungry toddler don't mix. So we watched the family's reaction live on the internet.

Here the crowd is being cooled off while they wait - it was in the 80's today.

Waiting for our shuttle bus to arrive to take us back to our vehicle.

Getting a little tired now.

Filming a screaming audience for the cameras. They did several takes.

The show for this home makeover is said to be airing on October 6, 2010. We'll be watching for it!

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