Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aubrey's 1st Girl's Camp

From Aubrey's words :
So, yeah I went to my first girl's camp this year back in June. We went to Bear Lake, Utah and it wasn't really like camping at all. We stayed in a huge cabin, which was more like a mansion than a cabin. It was really nice inside.

This is our kitchen.

Our Girl's Camp theme was "Ohana" - which means "family" or "no one gets left behind," so we did a lot of Hawaiian activities.
Bear Lake - it was kind of stormy on this day.
We went into a huge cave. It was cold, but really cool!


We are finally here at the entrance to the cave.

The cave was really cool.

Outside of the ice cave. It was freezing!

We visited a church and went to the Pickleville Playhouse. The play we saw was funny!

More Hawaiian activities.

Just hanging out.

We had an evening of bearing our testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We got certificates for something... I don't remember what for.

One of the Young Woman leaders: Sister Dye

pretty scenery

Cooking huge marshmallows.

We even hung out at the lake...

...and played in the water.

We saw this chipmunk when we were waiting to go into the Minitonka Cave.

My friend, Brooklyn, was finding ways to entertain herself - like being a human waterfall statue.

We went and hung out in the hills around us and just thought about things. We were each given handwritten letters from our moms to read, but my dad also wrote on mine.

I love scenery.

My friend Tasey and her dad holding our flag.

Big group picture.
I had a lot of fun at Girl's Camp.

Three things I learned at Girl's Camp:
1. The Young Women's Program really invites the spirit.
2. In testimony meeting, never be afraid to bear one.
3. Never be afraid to be yourself.

(Teresa, thanks for giving us some of your pics of Girl's Camp.)

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