Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our 13th Wedding Anniversary

Yesterday was our 13th Wedding Anniversary. Jed was actually home this year (the last 5 years he's always been gone for training.) What's funny is we couldn't figure out how to celebrate it with it being a Monday and I had to work and then we had a baseball game in the evening to go to (which ended up being rained out.) So, we just went out to lunch and did some shopping.

So I figured I'd walk down memory lane and share a few photos.

This first photo is of our very first date - the Marine Corps Ball in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was quite the first date. I was able to meet all of Jeds' Marine buddies. After the ball, Jed wanted to get together with one of his friends that was a Utah police officer and we both got to do ride-a-longs that night (it was so much fun.) It was after that experience that Jed decided that's what he would like to do for a career. So in that first night was the beginning of what would be permanent choices of a wife and career. Who knew?

Our wedding day - 13 years ago.
And now- 4 kids later, some gray hairs, and still smiling. :)
Jed brought me flowers while I was at work - so sweet. They were so pretty and smelled so good.

I am grateful for the life we've had together. I've learned so much over the last 13 years being married to Jed. As with any marriage, we've had our struggles but we've also had many great times together too. We've laughed and cried a lot. Through it all it's made us both much wiser and stronger.

Jed is my best friend and I love him.

Happy 13th, Sweetheart.


  1. Congrats and happy anniversary!

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY - our 13th will be this Sept. Seems like forever and yet not that long that we've been "old" married women and mom's. :)

  3. So cute!! Your wedding pic is so pretty. You guys are a great couple. I'm glad my Karler has your Jed. :)
