Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birthday For Two

Happy Birthday to Aubrey and Ronin!  Another year has flown by and they are both one year older.

Some things haven't changed too much over the years.

Poor Aubrey. . . I don't think she'll ever catch a break from her younger brothers.

These two have birthdays close enough to each other that they usually end up celebrating them together just about every year.

I don't think they mind at all.

Aubrey got some new cleats for softball (she's playing city league this year.)

Ronin got a few new video games.

Softball pants and running clothes.  Yay!

Ronin got a new stuffed dog. . . surprise.  He's got a ton of them and loves each and every plush animal.

Legos are still a hot item at our house.  Even though all the pieces eventually end up in one big bin and get all mixed up.

Grandma Kriss and Ronin.

Aubrey modeling her new running clothes.

Wow, that black icing on the cupcakes really makes an impact.

Aubrey wearing her softball stuff for the first time to practice.

Gotta love those cleats!

1 comment:

  1. So sad we missed your birthday on Sunday; it was a crazy day for us. Looked like fun and Aubrey I'm loving the hair!
