Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ronin's 2011 Goals

Since it's a brand new year, I sat the kids down today and talked with them about setting goals for the next year (even though I'm not particularly great at doing this myself.)   I asked them to think about what they would like to accomplish over the next 12 months and they were excited at the possibilities.  
Aubrey and Connor were taking it seriously and coming up with some great goals to shoot for. 
Meanwhile, Ronin came up with his very own goals as well.  Keep in mind this is all coming from a 7-year-old boy as you read through these (just so you know when he refers to his DSi, he lost his game console playing privileges until further notice due to fighting with his brothers.)

Ronin's 2011 Goals (in no particular order:)

Boy, he thought he was so funny.  However, just in case there were a few drops of serious intention splattered anywhere on this page, I did put my foot down on the "running away" goal.
I'd like to keep him around a little longer, he can run away when he's graduated high school.  :)


  1. There's always one in the crowd, isn't there?

  2. Yes, definately. He's certainly the clown in the family. lol. Which one in your family would that be?

  3. I laughed SO hard as I read this..this sounds like my 8 year old. Boy humor!

  4. That's Hilarious Mindy!!! Definitely brought a smile to my face!!!

  5. That is hilarious!! I was laughing so hard as I read those!! Too funny!

  6. That is so FUNNY! Definately a boy! He cracks me up. :)

  7. Well...that would be me. :) Of course, I am the only male in the household.

  8. Buckskin - somehow I am not surprised. LOL - must be a guy/boy thing. :)
