Monday, May 24, 2010

Ronin's Reading Award

Today, Jed and I went to an assembly at Ronin's school. His teacher had called us last Friday to let us know that he would be receiving an award and wanted to invite us to come and show our support for him. She told us that he had received one of the two "Most Improved Reader" awards for his class.
Ronin was surprised to see us there - at first he didn't know who I was behind the camera which is why he's got this look on his face shown below.

He was all smiles once he realized it was his mom and dad who were sitting behind him, calling his name.
Going up and receiving his medal and certificate.

We are really proud of him because he started off this year in the lower end of the class in reading. He seemed to struggle with his previous teacher and class last year, I am not sure why, but it really affected how well he was learning in class.
By the end of this year, he had shot straight up to the highest end of his class in reading and had one of the biggest improvement rates (they actually keep track of this stuff) in his class. I don't know what it was this year that made such a difference for him. Maybe it was the wonderful way his teacher taught, or maybe he was more comfortable this time around, or just ready to really learn....whatever it was I am grateful for it. His lack of confidence last year really concerned me, but it has been completely different this year. He is much more sure of himself now.
At home he has been able to join in and read without a problem during our family scripture study. That's when I knew he had really started learning. We are definately proud of the amount of progress he's made.
Ronin's proud parents!
Congratulations, Ronin!


  1. So cute! I am so proud of you Ronin!! Way to go!

  2. That is so cool that he got that reading award. You look so pretty in the photo with him.
