Monday, September 5, 2011

Laboring on Labor Day

We did our part for Labor Day today - we prepared 5 large garbage sacks full of corn for freezing.  Our family loves eating garden corn all year long so this is a yearly tradion that I am passing down to my own kids from my own childhood.  Besides, garden corn is so much better than the canned or store-bought frozen kind.

My two worker bees, Aubrey and Connor, pulling off the last little hairs on the corn:

They are totally stoked to be doing this on their day off of school, aren't you kids?  What a mean mother they have.  :)

One sack out of many - our garden was blessed this year.

Me - running the show and wearing Jed's "I've Got a Black Belt in Crazy" shirt.  (Processing corn is messy and sticky and surely Jed won't mind too much?)

First things first, gotta blanch the corn for five minutes.

Then the corn is dumped into cold water and when all the heat is released out, the cutting begins:

Since there was a lot of cutting to be done, we all pitched in on this job.

We did this for several hours.

This kids were great, I didn't hear one complaint other than Connor asking for a break.  It was denied.

Finally, dumping the cut corn into freezer bags.

Whalla!  It feels good to see the end result of all that work - corn ready to be frozen and enjoyed for the rest of the year.  Yum.

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