Tuesday, November 23, 2010

White Out

What a day ~ total white-out blizzard, every road closed, freezing winds, schools/businesses shut down, a brief power outage (2nd one this week) and us all nestled in our warm, toasty house, sipping hot chocolate.  Aahh, this is great!  :)

I did kick the boys outside later this evening to do some shoveling once we had our first break from the falling snow.  You have to hurry quick these days when it comes to daylight, it's completely dark by 5:30 PM.

It was freezing out there, but the boys still managed to have some fun, like shoveling snow into each other's face instead of shoveling the driveway.

Yep, that's trouble right there:

Just when the boys thought they were done, I sent them to the backyard to shovel a path to our dog's kennel.  Might as well let that big boy out...he knows what's coming:

He's off!

Who doesn't like to go romping through freshly fallen snow....dogs included?

Watch out, 95 pounds of German Shepherd coming by!

Nice try, buddy, but you're not coming into the house.

It's hard to say no to those rich, beautiful, brown eyes.

One last task ~ shovel off the back steps before you can come in.  The boys were freezing by this point so they wasted no time in getting done:

Mom, is this good enough?

Ronin flashing his toothless smile since he can now come inside.  (Yep, I pulled that sucker out about a week ago.  I am getting better at pulling teeth since Jed's been gone so much, he's the one that usually does it.  Oh, and the toothfairy actually remembered to stop by on the 1st night!)

The forecast for the next two days:  Day highs: 7 degrees (yep, single digits are already here.)  Nighttime: -15 degrees.  Gotta include the windchill factor for Thanksgiving night (what it will really feel like outside): -30 degrees.  Wind speeds in the higher thirties with more blowing snow and drifts coming through.  I am not thrilled, guess winter is really here to stay.  I'm thinking a trip to California, Arizona, or Florida sounds really good about now.  Penni, Jodi, you guys up for any visitors?


  1. I believe you need someone to go on vacation with so I am offering up myself.

  2. Excellent, where would you like to go? Anywhere warm is good enough for me!

  3. White out? Blizzard? I will now stop complaining about the cold here in Washington. We had a light dusting comparison.

    I'm sure the kids are loving it though. I very fond memories of snow days from my childhood.

    Stay warm and safe!
