Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Does It Still Matter?

Since today is a day where we as American citizens get to raise our voices and vote, I thought it would be nice to post this short essay that Aubrey wrote last week for a school contest. Whether or not she wins, it doesn't matter.  I am glad she took the time to think about why patriotism is so important to have in our hearts.

I hope you all got out and voted today.  Don't ever take your freedoms and rights for granted!  They must be vigilantly kept and protected.

My mom made a comment that I wanted to share as well: "I heard something this morning on the radio that has had me thinking all day. It was from a Canadian women who said, "Your government affects the whole world. We do not get the opportunity to vote, make sure that you do."

Does Patriotism Still Matter?
By Aubrey
Personally, I think that patriotism still matters because there are people out there in Iraq or Afghanistan, fighting for us or for others, risking their lives with every moment they are out there. My dad is one of those courageous soldiers that are so bold as to confront the enemy.

Sometimes we forget about the soldiers out there fighting. Out of sight, out of mind. It's easy to have them slip our mind, easy to take everything for granted. And we'll continue like this until a family member has to go fight or until some right is taken away from us. Would we really have all this if we didn't have true patriotism among us?

The warriors out there fighting for others are patriots, and you cannot be a patriot without patriotism in your heart. These brave men and women are the reason that we have our freedom, the reason we have rights.

My dad went to stand against our enemies because he believes in this country. Sure, it makes me feel kind of hollow without him here to help me, but I also feel proud that my dad is a true patriot. How many other people have gone to help secure freedom?

If anything, we need more patriots with true patriotism burning within them, calling them to freedom's aid. I'm not saying that we need to go to war to be a good patriot, but I do mean that we should strive to do things that would help our country, like voting for the next president when we turn eighteen or just supporting the soldiers. We could at least remember everyone out there fighting with all their strength.

These people have given their hearts and strength to fight for this country and to help anyone who might need it. They obviously care enough to be a patriot, if they didn’t, then they'd probably just let our country fall in ruins. Without patriotism, would we still have control of our lives?

We owe our thanks to the men and women who believed in our country enough to die for it. I think patriotism is one of the best things we have in this country. After all, where would the U.S. be without patriotism?

Does patriotism still matter? ABSOLUTELY!!!!! 
I pray that it may burn bright within the soul of every American.

Do YOU have it?


  1. So well written. I marvel at the wisdom youth can display, and for it am rewarded with optimism for the future of this great country.

    My hat is off to you and your family for the courage you display while your husband is deployed.

    I feel this to be the single most important election in which I have been able to to participate. It feels as though we are on the brink...

  2. I absolutely agree with you. The last year or two has really concerned me...too much government trying to have too much control. I feel like many of our freedoms/rights are at risk. Judging from the results of tonight, it's looks like we are not the only ones that feel that way. Whew!

  3. Good job Aubrey; well written!

  4. Great job Aubrey - so true and so much from the heart.
