Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

My mom and dad gave our kids some kites when they were over at our house this last Sunday. So on Monday the kids wanted to try them out. Since windy days are a common occurrence in our neck of the woods, it worked out really well since Monday turned out to be a very windy day.

Rigdon was happy just to watch the others and play with his new bubble pail from his birthday.

Ronin had a harder time catching on to flying a kite since he is younger than the other two and hasn't really done it much. His string and kite tail kept wrapping around his legs and getting all tangled. Needless to say, he got quite frustrated and had a meltdown. So, I put my camera down for a little bit to help him out...but not before getting a picture. :)

Connor flying his Pokeman kite - it was originally given to Ronin but they traded kites as soon as they saw what each other had.
Aubrey's kite had a harder time staying up due to the fact the winds were stronger than what her butterfly kite design was intended for and her kite kept folding back and then crashing. But that didn't keep her from sticking with it.
Ronin's dog kite.
Once Ronin got the hang of keeping his kite in the air, he was loving it. The boys discovered that they could try and fight with each other's kites while they were in the air, which made it that much more fun for Ronin.
It was really easy for these kite strings to get tangled up, the wind made it much more difficult.
Way to go Ronin!

Aubrey and Ronin kites criss-crossed over each other in the air at one point which ended up snapping Ronin's kite string. His kite floated two houses over and landed in a tree. Ronin and I gave up trying to get it out since it was so high up. However, by this time our kite flying fun had attracted the neighbor kids and so they managed to climb up and get it out for us.

Rigdon pointing out the kites to the neighbor kids that showed up.

Man, it's really windy!

Kite flying was a lot of fun! Thanks mom and dad for the kites!!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Looks like the kids had a great time in this windy weather! Bryson has been flying the only kite we have left too - he accidently let go of it and it flew pretty far but he ran and got it - save it for the next windy day? :)
