Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween 2009

The kids had a fun Halloween this year. Here's a rundown on the costumes:
*Aubrey - Sara: the Goddess of Horses (a character from some of her books.)
*Connor - Megatron from Transformers *Ronin- GI Joe
*Rigdon - Spiderman (I know what you mean, Sadie)

Lewis kids at the Pumpkin Walk.
Rigdon having his first experience trick-or-treating. He wasn't sure at first if he should take the candy but had a huge smile on his face after he took it. He caught on pretty quick after that.
The pumpkin walk had some fun photo opportunities to take advantage of - the boys of course couldn't skip the Star Wars theme.
I think these are the Ewoks.


Another Star Wars exhibition, made with pumpkins.

Our ward had its yearly Halloween party and I was in charge of taking pictures. Jed decided he wanted to go hunting that day so I called my mom to see if she could help out with the kids while I was taking pictures. Thank goodness she did because I don't know how I would've managed otherwise.

Aubrey and Connor taking a picture with Bishop Beck.

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