Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy Baby

Rigdon certainly keeps me on my toes. When I'm not watching he throws the freshly folded laundry all over (somehow he knows I don't like that and thinks it's very funny), goes through the bottom cabinets and opens up a variety of food packages and starts munching away on the food, puts his hands in the toilet water (he's got a fascination with the toilet), plays with the plunger, crawls behind the couch and gets stuck, climbs onto beds, chairs, tables and my personal favorite: the piano! On that particular day I heard Ronin screaming for me and I run into the living room to see what was wrong. Ronin is giggling and pointing towards the piano. I look over and to my surprise there is Rigdon with his feet on the piano keys trying to climb onto the highest part of the piano. Apparently, Jed had left a duffle bag by the piano bench so Rigdon was able to climb onto the bench and then went for the piano. Crazy baby!

"Sittin' on the pot"
He loves sitting in them, I don't know why.
Mommy's little helper - Going through the laundry. I'll be putting clothes in the dryer and he'll be throwing them out.
Bellowing his classic growls that are really loud.

Rigdon loves the water.
Aah, the quietest part of my day - bedtime.


  1. Oh, what a cutie!! It sounds like he definitely keeps you on your toes. That 2nd to last picture totally reminds me of a Connor expression. How fun!!

  2. Too fun! Some days...right.They are such monkeys. I wish I had an ounce of their energy. We haven't had the pleasure of rotovirus. Eek!

  3. Looks like he definately keeps you busy! He is so cute though! Yes - I have one of those too. Never a dull moment when they are awake - cherish the moments when they are asleep and they look like a little angel! :)
