Monday, July 9, 2012

Camping at Keg Creek

We just got back from camping a couple of days ago at Keg Creek in Island Park.  We found a beautiful spot all to ourselves - just the way we like it.  :)  No houses, no cars, no phones, no people, no work, no obligations, no stress.

For this trip we just had our boys, Ronin and Rigdon with us.  But there was plenty of excitement to go around - our boys love spending time out in the forest.

Jack came too.  He was just as happy as the boys were - see how he's smiling from ear to ear? 

A place like this is truly a boy's heaven on Earth.  There's sticks and rocks all over the place.

A creek to play in.

and all sorts of places to explore. 

Or just relax by the fire. 

For me, it was fun to find such a great variety of wildflowers growing all around us. 

Instead of bringing a tent, Jed and the boys made a lean-to shelter for our place to sleep at night.

 It was really comfortable and warm, much more than a tent would have been.  I was impressed.

We had a good night's rest other than Jack barking at insects randomly throughout the night (this was his very first experience camping so he was jumpy at everything. Funny dog. )

Even though the rest of my little family goes camping quite often (especially the boys), it's been a few years since I've spent some serious time in the wilderness.  To be honest, it took me a little while to completely relax because I knew we were camping in an area that is full of bears.  (I've read about way too many bear attacks and killings this year, so I was feeling rather cautious.)  So to calm my nerves a little, we made sure to bring some bear spray.  For added security Jed also brought along his pistol and rifle.  That made me feel a lot better.  Having Jed's presence was the most comforting - he's very much at home when it comes to the woods and is a wonderful protector.  :)

We cooked hotdogs and smores over the fire. 

Jed gave the boys some neon lights to play around with.

The next day, we ate breakfast and prepared to go fishing. 

Rigdon practiced his casting and got the hang of it after just a few tries.

We found a perfect secluded spot to fish on the Henry's Fork river. 

I love this river because it is very slow moving and calm which makes it perfect for anything you want to do on it - fishing, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, you name it.

Lunch break.

Rigdon was loving the whole casting out and reeling in process.

Although I think I spent more time untangling and reworming his hook than anything else.  So cute. 

Ronin's a natural fisherman, but got a little discouraged that he didn't catch anything.  Of course, we didn't start fishing until about 10 AM, so the fish weren't really biting by then.

The only one to catch a fish was Jed - but it was too small to keep and cook up.  Darn.  Meanwhile, we watched a man in a boat flying fishing and he was catching huge trout left and right.  I've really got to learn how to flyfish!  They are always catching something, no matter what time of day it is.

After lunch, we decided to drive up to Sawtelle's Peak - the highest mountain top in the surrounding area.  What a great view!

Boy were we high up.

 It was a little dizzying for Ronin and I to look down so far below.  Heights make us both nervous.

In fact, Ronin hated being anywhere close to the edge.  It scared him.

Soooo ready to get off this mountain.  :)

The peak was covered in wildflowers and long grass. 

Forget-Me-Not flowers.

We walked around the peak to see all the different views.  At this point, Ronin didn't want to see anymore and went back to our vehicle.

Back at base camp, the boys played with more sticks and hide-n-seek with Jack.

Jack was enjoying running around in the creek.  I swear he was wet the entire trip - this dog loves water.

Meanwhile, I made up some tin foil dinners, cooked them in the dutch oven, and enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and fresh air. 

God gave us such a beautiful world, didn't He?   It's always in places like this that I feel closest to Him.   His creation is everywhere.  His spirit oozes out of everything around me. Nature is a place where my soul always feels refreshed and recharged.  Maybe that's why there is such an attraction to it for me and so many others.  

We're already looking forward to another camping trip!

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