Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Joining the Ranks

Well, today Connor joined the ranks of those who have braces in our family (me and Aubrey.)  Which means that now half of our family is currenly in the "braceface" category.  Not pretty on the pocketbook by any means. 

For now Connor only needs a partial brace put in because a majority of the next few months will be working on just two upper teeth in particular.  One tooth came in directly behind another tooth, almost in a switched place position, instead of on the side next to it like it was supposed to.  It's gonna take 8 months just to get that baby put back in place.

But, his teeth are in the right hands with his skilled orthodontist.  Dr. McCord's a super great guy who knows his stuff.

Speaking of other toothy news, I had my upper wisdom teeth surgically removed yesterday.  I was supposed to have them done back when I was 13, during the same time when I got my lower wisdom teeth taken out.  But whoever that oral surgeon was decided not to take the upper out because he "felt like" they would "never be a problem."  HA!!!!  Not only did they come down, they shifted horizontally too, causing damage to my permanent teeth.   Nice.

Comin' home right after surgery, all gauzed up to stop the bleeding.

I'm just hoping that I don't ending up looking like a stuffed chickmunk like I did the first time around:
(yes, you can all stop laughing now.)

Oh yeah, I took my souvenirs home with me too (despite all the weird looks from the nurses.)  They were a lot bigger than I anticipated . . . makes me wonder how they fit in my mouth in the first place.

But hey, I'm betting these large honkin' widsom teeth are worth a few extra bucks from the tooth fairy!  They are going under my pillow tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog. It makes me happy. Maybe because i love you. You don't look any older I. Your wisdom tooth pic now than you did when you were 13!
