Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Birthday for Connor

Connor had his 12th birthday this last week.

He used to look like this many years ago. . . . such a little cutie!

Aubrey and Connor the day we brought him home from the hospital.  Aubrey didn't like Connor at all for those first few weeks. . . .she was jealous of all the attention he was getting.

Connor began accumlating scars at an early age.  :)

One of Connor's first fishing trips:

Anyhoo, back to present day.

So of course, a birthday means a party , so here we go!

Others who celebrated with us: Grandma Kriss, Great-Grandparents, Don and Joan. . . .

Speeking of Don and Joan, this day was also their wedding anniversary. . . . 65 years of wedded bliss, people!!!!  Connor's birthday was also shared with my dad's birthday too.  Happy Birthday, Dad!

. . . . Grandparents, Carl and Judy, and Great-grandparents, Glenn and Marilyn.

Since Connor is now old enough to move from the Cub Scouts & 11-year-old group into the main Boy Scouting program, one of our gifts to him was a nice outdoor backpack with some flint & steel, a Swiss Army knife, 550 cord, and water-proof tablet.  Now he is sufficiently prepared for those overnight campouts and long hikes.  (Jed is his scout leader. . . .go figure.)    :)

 A few days later, Connor had a party with his friends too.

They were a fun bunch of boys, I didn't have to do any entertaining . . . they easily did that all by themselves.  It's great to see the kind of good boys that Connor calls his friends.

The biggest change that comes with the age of twelve for a boy in our religion is the opportunity to be ordained with the Aaronic Priesthood and to move from the Children's Primary into the Young Men's Program. 

Connor was interviewed by the bishop last Sunday and declared to be worthy.  Today after church , Connor met with the bishopric, Young Men's president, and our family in the bishop's office where he was then ordained with the Aaronic Priesthood by Jed, who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood.  It was a special moment. 

Afterwards , there were lots of handshakes and some hearty hugs. . . .

From Left: Brother Christensen, Jed, Connor, Bishop Anderson, and Brother Matheson.

Jed and I are so proud of Connor!!!!!

Grandma Kriss was there too.

We love our tender, sweet-hearted, affectionate boy!  

Happy 12th Birthday, Buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe one of our little bear cub scouts is already twelve! Happy Birthday to Connor! We are glad to know your family--you have the cutest, sweetest kids!
