Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today is this person's birthday.  Any guesses as to who it is?
Yep, it's little 'ole me!

This morning I was woken by my little two year old who climbed into my bed, kissed me with his tiny little lips, and in the sweetest little voice said "Happy birday." It was the best way my day could've started.  A few moments later, the rest of my kids bombarded me with hugs, kisses, and singing happy birthday.

When I checked my email, Jed had already sent me a message:

Hey best wife ever,

Today marks the day when the most important person in my life came to earth to brighten up the world. Happy birthday! I just wanted to write you a wonderful little message telling you some of the things that I love about you.

1. your love for me
2. Your patience with me
3. You make me want to be better through loving encouragement
4. Your laugh
5. The wonderful children that you have given us
6. your happiness
7. your support
8. your responsibility
9. your hard working attitude
10. the wonderful smile you have
11. your forgiveness
12. your loving touch
13. xxxx - this one's for my eyes only ;)
14. xxxx - this one too.  *giggle, giggle*   :)
15. how excited you get over some things i.e. Twilight, horses, zumba, etc
16. your desire to improve
17. I love your voice
18. your talents
19. your hard work
20. your testimony
21. the fact that I am better because I know you
22. the wonderful mother you are
23. your wisdom
24. your cheerfulness
25. the way you eat cereal
26. i love watching Jane Austin stuff with you
27. your spunkiness
28. and many many other things to include your picking and the little things that only I know about. You are awesome!

You are the most wonderful person that I know. I love you and wish that I could be with you on this wonderful little day. Once again, happy birthday and remember that I am thinking of you all day today.

Love, Jed

How lucky am I to have a man who loves and appreciates me so much! Thanks, sweetie.

Here are a few more pictures of me through the years:
Me with my brothers and sisters.  I'm the one with the funny look on my face.  I'm guessing I didn't like the photographer or something.

My first paying job: Delivering newspapers when I was eight years old.  As I got older, I would use my horse, Rosie, to get me around on my delivery route everyday after school.

Me and my friends would have yearly campouts, even when the weather wasn't very cooperative.
We played a lot of games, but the shaving cream ones were hilarious.

We washed our hair in the creek:
From left: me, Jenni, Linda, and Cara

My closest friends all through junior high and high school:

Senior year portrait.

High School Graduation:

I was off to college two weeks after I graduated.  I loved my college years, I had so many fun and crazy times with my roommates.  
Me, Krystal, Marci, and Jaycie.

I had a lot of guy friends that I loved hanging out with too.

Somehow, Ken and I, here, ended up in a marker fight.  Looks like he won.

In the end, it was Jed who won my heart and with whom I eventually married. (Yes, ladies and gentleman, my husband did have hair once upon a time.)

As far as life changing events go, nothing compares to giving birth to our children.

Life has never been the same since.

All in all, I've had a good life and am very grateful for every experience I've ever had.  It's made me who I am today and it will continue to shape my future as well.

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes, everyone!  You've all made me feel very loved.  :)

PS: I still love riding horses.
Me and my Thoroughbred, Buddy, on an autumn ride in the mountains.


  1. Happy Birthday miss Mindy!! I love you and hope you had a great day

  2. Just read your blog for today - love all the pictures. I tried to call you to wish you Happy Birthday but you were busy - I am still going to call you for lunch for your birthday - so you can't get out of it. Glad that you've had a great day - you definately deserve it. :) Ah... those are some great pictures - where did you dig up those ones from out little camp outs? Hilarious!! I forgot about that prom picture. Good times. :)

  3. oh, i love the hair!!
    what a sweet email from your hubby!!
    and what a treat to see what Jed looked like with hair!!
    Hope you had a great day!!!

