Saturday, September 22, 2012

Service Project and the Unfortunate Aftermath

 What an awesome young man our Connor is.

He helped out a friend with his Eagle Project by making stairs on parts of a steep trail at Camp Camorah in Island Park.

He worked hard with the others.

 And ate fire-roasted hot dogs to end the project.

Soon after, Jed and I got a call saying Connor had fallen while rope swinging, landed wrong, and messed his ankle up real good.  He was in a lot of pain and couldn't put any weight on it.  Connor had to be carried quite a ways back to the vehicles.  We told the leaders we'd meet them at the hospital.

So here we are at the ER trying to figure out if his ankle is sprained or broken.

X-rays were taken.

He didn't mind that at all.

Doctor says the x-rays look good - no broken bones.  Yay.  But his ankle is sprained very badly.

Nurse wrapped it up and told Connor to stay off of it completely for a couple of weeks.

Crutches are gonna help him get around for awhile but he'll be just fine. Good thing Connor likes to read a lot because that's about all he'll be able to do

After three hours, we were on our way home. 

...but not before we topped the day off with some Blizzards from Dairy Queen.