Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sometimes It's the Little Things...

I was just watching Rigdon tonight - noticing the fun little things that make me just smile. I love how he tries to run so fast on those short little legs with hardly a bend in the knees and then watching his little bottom follow behind. I love him running up to me and teasing me or kissing me with an open mouth. I love the look in his eyes when he knows he's playing a game on you but trying to be really sneaky about it - he moves his eyes but not his head. I love smelling his stinky, little feet at the end of the day, such a little boy smell. I love his sweet little voice when he says "Pweese?" whenever he wants us to get something for him. I love the softness of his cheeks as I nuzzle my face against his.
(Sigh)....I know that eventually I will forget all of these little things, as much as I promise myself that I won't. I hope when I am in heaven (assuming I actually get there one day) that I will have the capacity to remember all the sweet experiences of this life with perfect clarity. (Since I can't take my photo albums and scrapbooks with me....there's gotta be a way around that one.)
How is it little boys seem to see the benefit of a remote so quickly? He knows how to turn the TV on and off.
Hide and seek, anyone?
I've found Rigdon's stuffed animal all tucked in for the night a few times now. Aubrey says she has seen Rigdon do this, otherwise I might not have believed it.

Rigdon loves looking at books and magazines, although tearing them apart seems to be a whole lot more fun for him.
I do keep my windows clean but it doesn't take long to get dirty when there is always some hands and a mouth all over it.

Somehow he always seems to find the markers.

One night I got after Rigdon for doing something and next thing I know, this is what I see. My little 1 year old had put himself in time out.

This is a face I probably see way too much of - but irresistible at the same time.


  1. too cute! I love the one of him in the corner...and gotta love that dirty window!! And I'm more than sure you'll make it to heaven someday

  2. So cute! That little boy is the cutest! I love that he tucked in his little stuffed animal - so cute. I'm with the above comment about you making it to heaven! :)

  3. He is a cutie! He fits in just perfectly over here. Boys! I love the pic of him with the remote.
