Monday, July 13, 2009


We spent this last weeked swimming. The kids had a great time swimming together. Not only was it our family along with Kaylee, Carson, Drewe, and my mom and dad, but some of Renae and Peggys' families were able to come too.

Rigdon finally warmed up to the Kiddie Pool water after an hour or so. Here he is playing with his Grandpa Hansen's hat.

Grandpa Hansen with Rigdon.

Aubrey & Kaylee swimming together.

Connor and Carson crossing the nets.

My niece, Drewe, crossing as well.

Grandpa Hansen pulling on Aubrey's hair and then when she would turn around to see who it was, Grandpa blamed it on Rigdon.
Connor, Jed, Grandpa and Rigdon.
Rigdon trying to steal someone else's cooler; luckily it was too heavy for him.

My cousin, Sam, was a wonderful help by taking Ronin on the river float.

Rigdon hanging out with Daddy.

My cousins Alana and Sadie. My cousin, Travis', daughter, Cassie, is in the background.
Eatin' snacks.


  1. Love the one of Rigdon trying to steal the cooler.

  2. That is pretty cute of Rigdon and the cooler. :)
