Thursday, October 2, 2014

Family Portraits

It's been five years since we've done any family portraits, so I can't tell you how excited I was to finally have these in my hands!

  A big thank you to Lisa Hansen Photography for putting up with our rowdy bunch.  I'm sure she had to do some serious photoshopping since there were a lot of face pulling from all the boys...including the biggest one! If it wasn't one boy, it was another.  Somehow out of all that craziness, we ended up with some great results.

Thank you so much, Lisa!!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Boy and His Dog

Just a few fun pictures to top off the end of summer....a 6 year old, a playful dog, and a sprinkler all rolled into one.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Hansen Family Hike at Heise

First of all, happy 4th of July, people!!!!!!!  I love my country dearly and am soooo grateful for the freedoms we enjoy.  We are lucky to be born in such a land.  We must continue to uphold it's values both from within and from without.  God bless America!
On a change of note, I love it when my family comes to visit during the summer because we rarely get to see each other since we are literally spread out all over this great country of ours.   It's been so nice to have one of my sisters and all of my nieces and nephews (except for one, Canyon) visiting our neck of the woods for a week or two.  It was funny seeing the reactions of when the cousins all first met each other was shocking to see how tall everyone has gotten! 

Two days ago we all went and hiked the Heise trail together.  I couldn't help but think of the last time we hiked this very same trail - all these kids were half their age and now the majority of them are teenagers!

Quite a crew, isn't it?  :)

All the girl cousins - from left: Aubrey, Nichole, Kaylee, Christine, Drewe with Brooklyn, and Zoe.

All the boy cousins (minus Canyon.)  An entertaining lot right here for sure.

Ronin just couldn't help himself - the water was too enticing.  

My older sister, Penni, and her daughter, Nichole.

Me and Jed....yep, we're still alive and kickin'.   ;p

Arizonians and a Floridian - Zoe, Christine, and Drewe.

After the hike we went for pizza!

Ronin with his dad.

Aubrey and Connor.

While the adults were chatting it up, the kids apparently got bored after they were done with their pizza.  We looked up and noticed they were playing the game Red Rover on the golf course just outside the restaurant.   I haven't seen anyone play that game since I was in Kindergarten!  So cute.  :)

Red rover, red rover, send Rig-don right over!!! 

He's going for it.....

Oh, he didn't break the he's ours!!!

Yep...Carson is very much like Troy.  :)

After that they played the Partner Tag game...
Rigdon with his cousin, Ethan.

Love my Rigdon dude.

After the games, we all chilled out at a nearby park for a little while.  A few of us wandered by the river for a little bit.  Carson was skipping rocks, the others dipped their toes into the river.

A select few completely immersed themselves in the river...very cold water- - brrrr!

Love FAMILY!!!!!    We miss you Jodi, Ben, Carson, and Todd!  Wish you could have been here with us too!